Bombing Civilians For Peace!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by peace activist, Cindy Sheehan, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize Winner"

“The first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner”

My Commentary: War-Criminal-in-Chief Obama is a regular trend-setter!

Doctors Without Borders Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1999:

Discussing the Abject Failure of America’s “War on Terror”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Government: Not Even Once!“…

Rayn: “Government. Not even once.”

The US Bombing its Own Guns Perfectly Sums Up America’s Total Failure in Iraq:

Brian J.: Now that is hilarious.

Government: Not Even Once!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters

The US Bombing its Own Guns Perfectly Sums Up America’s Total Failure in Iraq:

(Max Fisher) When President Obama announced US airstrikes in Iraq, most observers understood that the US would be bombing members of ISIS. What many did not know was that, in a twist of such bitterly symbolic irony that it could only occur in the Middle East, the US would also be bombing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of American military equipment.

Here’s why: in the decade since the 2003 US-led Iraq invasion, the US has spent a fortune training and arming the Iraqi army in the hopes of readying it to secure the country once America left. That meant arming the Iraqi army with high-tech and extremely expensive American-made guns, tanks, jeeps, artillery, and more.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Government. Not even once.”

Pyroclastic Currents of American Freedom

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “just statist things,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Humanitarian Aid. #juststatistthings”

“Humanitarian Aid. #juststatistthings”

My Commentary: …And, in this picture, taken mere moments after planting just a single seed of American democracy, you’ll notice that the pyroclastic currents of freedom liberate all surrounding life forms from the shackles of physical existence.

American Sheeple More Interested in Twinkies Than Israel’s Latest Round of US Tax-Funded War Crimes Against Gaza

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

Rayn: Google Trends Results: Americans are More Interested in Twinkies than Israel and Gaza:

(update: archived copy of above link located here:


Jonas A.: How about this?!?! Israel and Gaza lob Twinkies missiles at each other…

Rayn: Hmmm… That might just work, Jonas! And, with new military contracts, Hostess would also be saved! Long live the Twinkie!

Jonas A.: LOL!!! Militarized Twinkies bombs never tasted so good!!!