Has Obama Been Helping to Restore America, or is He Just Another Warmongering Corporate Puppet?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Boycott the Presidential Debates!“…

Rayn: Vote Robomney! Four More Wars!

"Boycott the debates. You won't miss much... 'More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer Freedoms!' The illusion of choice." (artwork by FreedomBiscuit.com)

“Boycott the debates. You won’t miss much… ‘More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer Freedoms!’ The illusion of choice.”
(Artwork by FreedomBiscuit.com)

Jonas A.: Yup…I did last night…was watching episodes of The Equalizer on youtube…lol

Brian J.:  Except Obama wants less war, and he’s trying to actually fix the economy. Romney wants more war, and he’s a liar. At least Obama tries to tell the truth.

Rayn: “Obama wants less war,” Brian? What evidence do you have to support such a claim? His lip-service? I don’t know about you, but I haven’t really been keeping track of the things Obama “wants.” I’ve been far too busy paying attention to the things he DOES! And, so long as he continues this nation down Bush’s war path, he engages in MORE WAR, by definition. However, that’s not even the full reality of the situation! Obama actually escalated America’s war in Afghanistan, while also aggressively continuing war operations in Pakistan, and authorizing new military strikes against Yemen, Libya and Somalia. Therefore, he has unequivocally engaged the U.S. in EVEN MORE WAR:

The Nine Surges of Obama’s War [in Afghanistan] (December 2009 article):

Obama’s 262 Drone Strikes in Pakistan (June 2012 article):

Obama Ramps Up Covert [Drone] War in Yemen (June 2011 article):

White House Defends Continuing U.S. Military Role in Libya Operation (June 2011 article):

Obama (Finally) Notifies Congress of Troops Deployed to Libya and Yemen (September 2012 article):

Obama’s New War in Uganda (October 2011 article):

Obama Acknowledges Waging War in Somalia in Latest War Powers Report (June 2012 article):

Then, there’s the matter of Obama’s numerous threats to engage in even more new wars:

Obama Threatens Force Against Syria (August 2012 article):

Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran (June 2012 article):

Armada of US and British Naval Power Amassing in Persian Gulf, Prepared for Possible Iran Strike (September 2012):

And, Obama sure did “fix” the economy… for the ultra-wealthy, that is:

Corporate America Has Best Quarter in US History as Real Unemployment Rate Soars” (November 2010 article):

Obama and Romney are BOTH PROFESSIONAL LIARS. Your assertion that Obama “tries to tell the truth” does nothing to alter this fact:

Obama’s Embrace of a Bush Tactic Riles Congress (August 2009 article):
(This is in reference to the “signing statements” Obama condemned as a candidate, promised not to use, then promptly embraced, once elected into office)

Guantanamo Bay: Still Open, Despite Promises (July 2012 article):

C.I.A. Agents in Libya Assisting Airstrikes, Despite Obama’s Claims of No US Military Participation (March 2011 article):

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya (September 2012 article):

As an interesting side-note, Obama has authorized more missile strikes than all previous Nobel Peace Prize winners combined!

Brian J.: Right, but Obama kept his promises on getting out of Iraq, killing Bin Laden, and fixing the economy. He’s not just fixing it for the rich, he’s done good things for middle class as well. The unemployment rate is still going down. Yeah, Obama should be having less war, but I think it’s gonna get there, during his second term. But then the question becomes, is killing for a greater good, a necessary evil?

Brian J.: And what freedoms has Obama actually taken away in the last four years?

Rayn: Obama’s current war operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Uganda are not some small matter, so easily dismissed, nor is his war posturing with Syria and Iran. And, no amount of kept campaign promises by the President will eclipse the deadly situation that he has been escalating in the Middle-East and Africa throughout his administration.

Now, while Obama certainly did promise to remove combat troops from IRAQ… that was only because he intended to send them to war in AFGHANISTAN, instead!

Speaking on August 1, 2007 in an address to the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC, presidential candidate Obama stated:
“The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

In a July 20, 2008 interview on “Face the Nation,” President Obama said:
“It’s time for us to withdraw some of our combat troops out of Iraq, and deploy them here in Afghanistan, and I think we have to seize that opportunity. Now’s the time for us to do it.”

And, of course, as I cited in my last comment, Obama has more than fulfilled his murderous promise in Afghanistan:

The Nine Surges of Obama’s War [in Afghanistan] (December 2009 article):

Obama’s Watch: 39 Months, 69 Percent of Afghan War Casualties (May 2012 article):

However, in reality, Obama’s promises about “getting out of Iraq” are really just empty political rhetoric, as the American war and occupation of the foreign nation are still ongoing:

Last U.S. Combat Troops Leave Iraq; 50,000 Remain as Advisers (August 2010 article):

Obama Announces End of Iraq War, Troops to Return Home by Year End (October 2011):

13,000 U.S. Troops Deployed in Iraq Again (September 2012 article):

5,500 Mercenaries to Protect U.S. Fortresses in Iraq (February 2011 article):

You stated the following, Brian:

“The unemployment rate is still going down.”

By who’s measure?

President Obama Faces Highest Unemployment Rate in History Six Months Prior to an Election (May 2012 article):

You also said:

“Obama should be having less war, but I think it’s gonna get there, during his second term.”

I don’t buy the Obama “Hope” hype, and I never did. Even on the campaign trail, he discussed a number of the new war fronts he would aggressively pursue in Bush’s fallacious “War on Terror.” You need only read my comment from yesterday, discussing Obama’s ongoing authorization of war operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Uganda, and combine them with the information I provided above, about US military presence in Iraq, for full clarity on his war position. 


You asked:

“The question becomes, is killing for a greater good, a necessary evil?”

That’s not the question I’ve been asking regarding America’s wars, but my answer to your inquiry is NO. I whole-heartedly agree with William Pitt, “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” As far as I’m concerned, ritualistic human sacrifice and torture in the name of “war” is nothing more than ancient religion of death-worship, cleverly repackaged as “patriotism.” 

As for your claims about the middle class and the economy, I’ll be happy to address those in depth, tomorrow, but in the meantime, I will repost this link, for now:

Corporate America Has Best Quarter in US History as Real Unemployment Rate Soars”:

Brian J.: Again, in recent statistics, Obama’s unemployment rate has gone down to 7.8, and it’s probably still going down. More jobs are being created. And he would of gotten more jobs created, if congress didn’t veto so many of Obama’s bills. This country would be much better, if congress actually allowed Obama to have some power. And let’s face it, we were never gonna get out of Iraq. Obama just ended the war, but we’re gonna be there for many decades. This war will last for decades.

Brian J.: Obama is also a big supporter of women’s rights, Abortions, and gay rights. Because of Obama’s support for gay marriage, many gay people are coming out of the closet. And Obama even mentioned none-believers, which is a first. 🙂

Rayn: After you first mentioned unemployment rates going down under Obama, I replied with the question, “by who’s measure?” And, as I figured, you simply compare Obama to himself, which is no real measure, at all, when considering the fact that the unemployment rate was 7.8% when he first took office! And, it remained well above 9% throughout a great portion of his presidency, averaging to exactly 9.06%, so far:

Unemployment Rates from 2002-2012:


As for “job creation,” let’s take a DEEPER look at employment figures in the US, to get a FULL picture of such claims. This will also help to reveal much more about the state of the economy, as well as the state of the middle-class:

95% of Net Jobs Lost During Recession Were Middle-Class Jobs (May 2012 article):

58% of Jobs Created During the Recovery Have Been Low-Wage Positions (August 2012 article):

Only 24.6% of All Employment Qualifies as “Good Jobs,” Down from 27.4% in 1979 (July 2012 article):
(A “good job” pays at least $18.50 an hour, provides health insurance options, and access to a retirement plan)

53% of Recent College Grads Are Jobless or Underemployed (April 2012 article):

Minimum Wage in U.S. Fails to Beat Inflation: Chart of the Day (December 2011 article):
(“Workers in the U.S. earning the minimum wage are worse off now than they were four decades ago”)

Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare (August 2012 article):

Food Stamp Usage Continues Climbing To Highest Level Ever (August 2011 article):

Speaking of foodstamps, what a perfect opportunity to segway into some important statistics about corporate profits:

Report: JP Morgan Makes Over Half a Billion Dollars Off Food Stamps (October 2012 article):

Corporate Profits Just Hit An All-Time High, Wages Just Hit An All-Time Low (June 2012 article):

Income Gap Between Rich and Poor in the US WIDEST EVER (September 2010 article):

And, of course, I must once again include this article:

Corporate America Has Best Quarter in US History as Real Unemployment Rate Soars”:

Meanwhile, in more disturbing news: 

List of Top 12 Corporate Welfare Queens (June 2011 article):
(In order, that would be: Boeing, American Electric Power, DuPont, Exxon Mobil, FedEx, GE, Honeywell, IBM, United Technologies, Verizon, Wells Fargo, and Yahoo. “Together, Citizens for Tax Justice asserts, these corporate behemoths, rather than paying taxes on their collective $171 billion in profit from 2008 to 2010, actually got 1.5 percent in tax refunds–$2.5 billion–from Uncle Sam. They also received $62.4 billion in tax subsidies.”)

Corporate Welfare Cost Taxpayers $100 Billion in FY 2012 (August 2012 article):

Thousands of Millionaires Collect Unemployment (October 2012 article):
(“[In 2009] a total of $20.8 million in unemployment benefits went to this group”) 

Criminal Prosecutions for Financial Institution Fraud Continue to Fall Even Lower Under Obama (November 2011 article):

Yet, some of the BIGGEST financial scandals in HISTORY are happening under Obama’s term as president, starting with the Foreclosure Scandal that broke around the Fall of 2010:

The Mortgage Fraud Scandal Is The Biggest Real Estate Scandal In Human History (October 2010 article):

Why the Foreclosure Fraud Mess Could Last for Years (October 2010 article):

Fraudulant “Robo-signing” of Mortgages Still a Problem (July 2011 article):

FBI Estimates 80% of Mortgage Fraud Involved Industry Insiders (December 2011 article):

Wells Fargo Insiders Detail Foreclosure Fraud Practices: ‘It’s Exactly Like An Assembly Line’ (April 2012 article):

Fannie Mae Ranks Banks in ‘Robo-Signing’ Settlement as Top Servicers, No Charges Filed Against Bankers (August 2012):
(Fannie Mae gave three-star ratings to CitiMortgage, JPMorgan Chase, Ally Bank and Wells Fargo — four of the five largest U.S. mortgage servicers, which were involved in the $25 billion “robo-signing” settlement — for their service performance in the first half of 2012)

Then, there’s the LIBOR Interest Rate Fixing Scandal:

LIBOR Scandal Set to Rock U.S. as Experts Warn it Could Be ‘the Biggest Consumer Fraud in History’:

LIBOR Scandal: Possibly the Biggest Financial Scandal in History (July 2012 article):

$800 Trillion in Securities and Loans are Linked to the LIBOR (July 2012 article):

LIBOR Manipulating Banksters Get a Slap on the Wrist (June 2012):

As for the middle class, this article is just about the most thorough I’ve found on the topic:

84 Statistics That Prove That The Decline Of The Middle Class Is Real And That It Is Getting Worse:

And, here’s another important one:

The Middle Class Falls Further Behind (August 2012 article): 
(Just more than half – 51% – of the population was middle class in 2011 compared to 61% in 1971, according to the Pew Research Report)

Rayn: You asked the following, Brian:

“What freedoms has Obama actually taken away in the last four years?”

Here are some of the more widely-known efforts, a few done with bipartisan support from Congress (let us not forget that this country had a Democratic majority in the House for the first two years of Obama’s presidency, and that it only shifted in 2010, when voters elected the current Republican majority into power):

Obama Signs One-Year Extension of Patriot Act (February 2010 article):

Obama Extends Patriot Act’s Emergency Powers Four More Years (May 2011 article):

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill (NDAA) Into Law (December 2011 article):

Obama’s War on Whistle-Blowers [translation: attack on Press and First Amendment Speech] (May 2011 article):
(“In President Obama’s 26 months in office, civilian and military prosecutors have charged five people in cases involving leaking information, more than all previous presidents combined,” reports the Times.)

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will (May 2012 article):

President Obama Signs “Anti-Protest” Bill H.R. 347 (March 2012 article):

Obama’s War on Cannabis (February 2012 article):
(Sub-headline: “In a shocking about-face, the administration has launched a government-wide crackdown on medical marijuana”)

Obama’s Airport-Security Plan Calls for 500 More Virtual Strip Search Scanners in ’11 (February 2012 article):
(“The $215 million proposal to acquire 500 scanners next year, combined with the 450 to be bought this year, marks the largest addition of airport-security equipment since immediately after the 9/11 attacks”)

Brian J.: Obama also signed a bill, where if you’re suspected of being a terrorist, the government can kill you. With no trial at all. And that’s dangerous.

Brian J.: And I’m not denying that America still has a bad economy. But things are getting better very slowly. Obama would of been able to pass the jobs bill, if he had a congress that was willing to help him. The republicans kept vetoing the jobs bill that Obama wanted to pass. Maybe Obama could of done more, I don’t know. But you can’t completely blame Obama for not fixing the economy in a better way.

Rayn: You stated the following, Brian:

“Obama also signed a bill, where if you’re suspected of being a terrorist, the government can kill you. With no trial at all. And that’s dangerous.”

The legalization of extra-judicial Democide is definitely dangerous, but I don’t recall Obama signing any such bill… Perhaps you’re referring to his “Kill List” that I previously mentioned?:

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will (May 2012 article):

If not, maybe you’re referring to the secret legal memos that the Obama administration wrote up to justify their already-committed murders against American citizens abroad:

U.S. Can Kill American Citizens Without Trial, According to Attorney General Eric Holder (March 2012 article):

Congress Wants to See Obama’s “License to Kill” Memos (July 2012 article):

Either way, since you know about our government’s extra-judicial murdering of American citizens, why did you previously ask me, “what freedoms has Obama actually taken away in the last four years?” Do you not consider due process and the ability to live free from murder “freedoms”?

America’s bad economy is “getting better very slowly,” you say, Brian?

What evidence do you have to support such a claim? The facts unequivocally prove otherwise:

Global Economy Distress 3.0 Looms as Emerging Markets Falter (October 2012 article):

Here are other pertinent articles that I cited in my last reply:

Income Gap Between Rich and Poor in the US WIDEST EVER (September 2010 article):

Corporate America Has Best Quarter in US History as Real Unemployment Rate Soars” (November 2010 article):

Food Stamp Usage Continues Climbing To Highest Level Ever (August 2011 article):

Minimum Wage in U.S. Fails to Beat Inflation: Chart of the Day (December 2011 article):
(“Workers in the U.S. earning the minimum wage are worse off now than they were four decades ago”)

Corporate Profits Just Hit An All-Time High, Wages Just Hit An All-Time Low (June 2012 article):

Only 24.6% of All Employment Qualifies as “Good Jobs,” Down from 27.4% in 1979 (July 2012 article):
(A “good job” pays at least $18.50 an hour, provides health insurance options, and access to a retirement plan)

You also stated:

“Obama would of been able to pass the jobs bill, if he had a congress that was willing to help him. The republicans kept vetoing the jobs bill that Obama wanted to pass.”

Meaningless, in relation to the bigger picture. Why not mention the enormous $862 billion dollar “Stimulus Package” Obama passed back in February 2009 under the Democrat-controlled Congress, which was supposed to create jobs? Is it because the climbing employment rates soon reflected that the package was nothing more than another giant exercise in federal WASTE spending , as it did nothing to lower unemployment rates, nor did it create any significant number of good jobs, as intended? Of course, it also so did NOTHING to deal with the real issue behind the faltering economy: INSIDER FINANCIAL FRAUD!

Budget Office: Obama’s Stimulus Failed on Jobs (November 2011 article):

Here are some previously-cited articles on the employment issue:

95% of Net Jobs Lost During Recession Were Middle-Class Jobs (May 2012 article):

58% of Jobs Created During the Recovery Have Been Low-Wage Positions (August 2012 article):

And, don’t forget that all of the lost jobs would NEVER recovered because they were shipped overseas under Obama:

Obama Administration Outsourced Jobs with Stimulus Funding (July 2012 article):

Make no mistake. Bush, Clinton, and many other past presidents have also promoted outsourcing, as well, in the form of TRADE AGREEMENTS and CORPORATE WELFARE! And, rest assured that Romney continuously engaged in outsourcing within his private business endeavors, and took government subsidy handouts, as well!

Meanwhile, here are some previously-cited articles on the financial fraud issue:

Criminal Prosecutions for Financial Institution Fraud Continue to Fall Even Lower Under Obama (November 2011 article):

The Mortgage Fraud Scandal Is The Biggest Real Estate Scandal In Human History (October 2010 article):

LIBOR Scandal Set to Rock U.S. as Experts Warn it Could Be ‘the Biggest Consumer Fraud in History’ (July 2012 article):

You stated:

“Maybe Obama could of done more, I don’t know. But you can’t completely blame Obama for not fixing the economy in a better way.”

I don’t “completely blame Obama for not fixing the economy in a better way.” I made no such point during our debate. I simply proved the message contained within the above graphic artwork that I shared. Besides, as I already said, Obama did, indeed, “fix” the economy… for the ultra-wealthy! He’s done more than enough to help the banksters, defense contractors, weapons manufacturers and other forms of corporate slime!

Brian J.: That’s true. And the poor will always suffer. It’s probably just how the system operates. We have to dismantle the whole thing, to keep poverty at a small percentage, where the middle-class are making good income, and the rich just get richer. Lol!

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4 Responses to Has Obama Been Helping to Restore America, or is He Just Another Warmongering Corporate Puppet?

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