British Propaganda FAIL…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"The photograph was actually taken by Marco di Lauro in Iraq in 2003"

“The photograph was actually taken by Marco di Lauro in Iraq in 2003”

BBC News Uses “Iraq Photo to Illustrate Syrian Massacre”:

(The Telegraph, ) Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.

The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website today under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: British Propaganda Fail…

This story reminds me of the Kuwaiti Incubator Baby HOAX back in 1991, which was used as the pretext for America’s FIRST Gulf War:

It also reminds me of the Bush Administration’s more recent WMD HOAX was the pretext for war…

The “Occupy Rectum” movement is definitely a most enduring one! It’s hard to believe that it is STILL going strong, after all these centuries! It’s all good, though. I’ll just continue to maintain my position: standing upright, facing the horizon, secure in the knowledge that the ASS is no place for the HEAD to be!

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire
“War is a racket. It always has been.” – Smedley Butler
“All warfare is based upon deception.” – Sun Tsu

NATO Murdering Civilians in Afghanistan

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2012-05-27 - NATO Murdering Civilians in Afghanistan

Eight Afghan Civilians Said Killed in NATO Airstrike:

Eight members of an Afghan family, including six children and two women, were killed in a NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan, local authorities said on Sunday, although the NATO-led coalition said there was no evidence of any civilian casualties.

The strike took place in the Gerda Serai district of Paktia late on Saturday, the provincial governor’s spokesman, Rohullah Samon, said as foreign and Afghan security forces try to quell Taliban and Haqqani network insurgents active in the area.

“The strike by ISAF killed four teenage boys, two teenage girls, and two women, and wounded two others,” Samon said.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Killed’? No.

American Government Attempmting to Re-Legalize Propaganda

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2012-05-20 - American Government Attempmting to Re-Legalize Propaganda

Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban:

An amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on American audiences is being inserted into the latest defense authorization bill, BuzzFeed has learned.

The amendment would “strike the current ban on domestic dissemination” of propaganda material produced by the State Department and the independent Broadcasting Board of Governors, according to the summary of the law at the House Rules Committee’s official website.

The tweak to the bill would essentially neutralize two previous acts—the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987—that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government’s misinformation campaigns.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: War-criminal traitor scum.

Monsanto Propaganda FAIL!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"Label It!" GMO

“Label It!” GMO

Charles C.: traitors!

Monsato’s Minons Attack:

Rayn: Ha ha! Propaganda backfire! 🙂

“Guarding the Gates” of Lauryn Hill’s Reputation in the Face of Defamation

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an ex-acquaintance…

Chris C.: Listen to this track. Its the bomb. The lyrics and the whole sound, vibe

Guarding the Gates – Lauryn Hill:

Kimberly K.: I used to listen to her… until she expressed her disdain for whitey… LMAO! Don’t care for her anymore

Chris C.: I think that was blown outta proportion, out of context…when i met her and sang for her on her bday, she was totally down to earth and respectful. no hint of racism

Kimberly K.: You sang for her??? That’s awesome! words are words. .. when they’re out there… they’re out there.. and I don’t forget! EVER! I’ve got an elephant brain:o0

Chris C.: haha….i do agree with being very careful about words we put out in the universe…we were just talkin about that actually, that concept

Kezi C.: For everything that is said there are two things that are HEARD

Rayn: Indeed, words are words! With that in mind, I would love for someone to provide me with ANY evidence that Lauryn Hill has spoken of a “disdain for whitey.” I have challenged many, and YET not one person has SHOWN PROOF of this slanderous allegation! As far as I can tell, it is an INSIDIOUS RUMOR, meant to disqualify a HIGHLY POSITIVE, CONSCIOUS ARTIST whose influence was growing at the time this falsehood was propagated against her! In other words, Ms. Hill was a threat to the agenda of the cowards-that-be, and because of this, she was subsequently “neutralized”! Allow me to help clear things up (and provide some comic relief, too):

Lauryn Hill Dispels “Racism” Myth – Howard Stern Interview – 1996:

Lesson: Don’t Believe the Hype, and do your own research! Those who seek to defame others ARE BANKING on our lack of INTEREST in TRUTH, and unwillingness to CRITICALLY THINK for ourselves! We must not allow the adversary to gain any real ground in these INFOWARS! So long as we remain asleep, the PSY-OPS will continue! Believe that! Just remember: complacency is complicity!

Kezi C.: Rayn ~ I couldn’t agree more. I also worked for her and was her friend in Jersey for the time frame f 1991-1997 and her outlook wasn’t that of racism and if it was said it was misquoted in an attempt to slander her true love of the people that loved her music. She new the numbers on a business level and it would have been ludicrous to outs a group of loyal supporters just to make a radical point to … Media.

Love Peace and Equality

Rayn: No doubt, Kezi! And, I thank you for providing us all with a more intimate perspective of the situation. As a fan of Ms. Hill’s music since way back when the Fugees were also called the “Tranzlator Crew,” I immediately had my doubts about this circulating rumor when I heard it, as it seemed to fly in the face of YEARS worth of her song lyric content. So, I decided to investigate for myself, scouring the web for facts, and couldn’t find a single shred of evidence to support the defamatory claims – just many an angry white ex-fan, ranting in disgust! At that point, I determinded that the rumor was suspect, and likely false. I adhere to the concept that the BURDEN OF PROOF is actually on the ACCUSER, with ALL INDIVIDUALS PRESUMED INNOCENT.