It Starts!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"It starts" - Timon

“It starts” – Timon

Oniel D.: State Police: Driver Intentionally Hit and Killed Trooper:

Rayn: It Starts!

Oniel D.: What are you saying?

Rayn: I’m saying that this is just the beginning. The “sleeping giant” has finally begun to awaken. 😉

Unsurprisingly, the State Solution to Suicide is… Homicide!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Fort Bend, Texas Officer murders suicidal and schizophrenic Michael Blair, after forcing entry into his bathroom and tazing him, repeatedly

Fort Bend, Texas Officer murders suicidal and schizophrenic Michael Blair, after forcing entry into his bathroom and tazing him, repeatedly

VIDEO: Family Releases Video of Man Being Killed by Fort Bend Officer (Graphic):

My Commentary: No joke…

How did the State prevent the suicide? HOMOCIDE, of course!

To the untrained eye, the video in this article may APPEAR to show a cowardly, costumed clown engaging a single-minded response effort that is hinged almost exclusively upon the use of coercion and brutality as a means rapidly ending crisis solely in the interest of self-preservation, enabling him to justify his decision to quickly escalate a situation involving an innocent man in medical distress, and in danger of self-harm, into a cause for repeated, violent assaults, then execution-style murder, in less than ten minutes time, flat…

However, those who are actually enlightened enough to understand the complex and intricate workings of the State FAITHFULLY embrace both its necessity and it’s absolute functionality, allowing them to clearly see the video recording as the story of an honorable public servant, courageously risking his own safety in a heroic attempt to peacefully de-escalate a very highly dangerous situation by any means necessary – and, using lethal force only as a last resort, upon tirelessly exhausting all other options, first!

NYPD Pigs Escalate an Otherwise Peaceful Situation Into Violence

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Sara: I’m ashamed to be a NY’er after watching this. I nearly broke down in tears for this dude. Idle pigs are the devils playground.

NYPD Arrests Random Guy at Bus Stop in the Bronx:

Justin W.: Believe me this is mild

Sara: There’s definitely a lot worse out there but for some reason this really angers me. This dude was doing nothing wrong. They were provoking him by not letting him leave even after he showed his bus ticket and ID. It’s like they were waiting for him to get upset. He asked them repeatedly to take their hands off of him. They didn’t. Then when all the other pigs jumped in, it was over. The emotion in his voice was gut-wrenching. He didn’t deserve that shit.

Justin W.: Yeah I have seen a ton of these videos on YouTube each one makes me sad things are changing rapidly 😐

Sara: smh

Rayn: These pigs escalated an otherwise peaceful situation into violence, solely to legitimize the making of an arrest. Pure criminality on display, here. Statists gonna state…

SaraNo Victim, No Crime!

Rayn: Yes!

Abe L.: pigs at their best

Stacie T.: I just posted something the other day about officers in Rialto being required to wear video cameras and how it dropped the rate of force and complaints drastically. From this, I’d say it wouldn’t even work here. They know they are being video taped and they obviously don’t give a shit. They’re not even trying to violate the right to videotape their interactions with citizens. They are just going about their their shady business without the slightest concern that there is evidence of excessive force being used against this man. Sickening display of blatant abuse of power.

Lisa M.: why did they start with him?

Sara: NYPD assumed he didn’t pay his bus fare but he had the ticket and receipt on him and showed it to them right away but they continued to harass and attack him.

Lisa M.: smh

Fred W.: They’re a bunch of scumbags.

The Most Dangerous Terrorists are Domestic, Wear Blue, and Carry a Badge!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Americans Killed in Iraq War Since 9/11: 3,500
Americans Killed by Cops Since 9/11: OVER 5,000″

My CommentaryAmerican Fascism, Exposed

Discussing Audio Recording of Kelly Thomas’ Murder by Police

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “TRUTHgasm“…


“I just heard the audio of Kelly Thomas, (a thirty-seven-year-old homeless man who suffered from schizophrenia), being savagely beaten to death by police officers for over nine minutes. He was screaming, “sorry!,” to the cops, but they wouldn’t stop. What really gets me is when he called his father for help.” (“Dad! Dad! Daad!”)

Sara: Heart breaking.

Genaire: Pigs need Death!

Rayn: American Fascism, Exposed

Morgan S.: I read that the Two assniffers I mean officers might be facing Federal Charges.


MURDER: It’s okay when the government does it”
(Artwork by, and originally located here)

Genaire: Actually what needs to happen is people need to take out their anger on these judges that allow these pigs to get away with this shit. If the people actually kill a few of these pigs this behavior will quickly stop.

Diana B.: kill a few pigs? i hate pork, but i wouldn’t stoop to a pigs level 😐

Genaire: Apparently the people won’t get justice in the court rooms, Diana, so what options do we have? I feel the families of these individuals brutalized by these officers should seek retribution. In no way should these acts of violence be allowed to continue. People have a right to defend themselves and the lives of their families.

Diana B.: Thats true Genaire, but if I went and popped off people who fucked me over in some way the whole damn world would be dead! besides, if you trust in a Higher Power, then you have nothing to fear and no need for revenge, knowing in your heart these things will be worked out bc me and you can’t possibly understand how to properly punish these pigs. But Gd does. and will…..

Genaire: Diana, we aren’t talking about being fucked over we are talking about murder. Yes I believe in a higher power but I really don’t see a problem with making sure those responsible for the murder of a relative to face that higher power a little early.

Diana B.: yea i wouldn’t mind myself,. but would u be able to really do that?? i could never kill anything unless it was coming for me and it was self defense!

Diana B.: too bad this guy wasn’t strapped 😐

Genaire: He was mentally disabled.

Genaire: “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. ”

Diana B.: mentally disabled is no reason to not have a gun lol! all these killers lately have been maniacs. imagine everyone had a gun wouldn’t that deter some crazy cops???

Genaire: I would love that Diana 🙂