The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “TRUTHgasm“…

“I just heard the audio of Kelly Thomas, (a thirty-seven-year-old homeless man who suffered from schizophrenia), being savagely beaten to death by police officers for over nine minutes. He was screaming, “sorry!,” to the cops, but they wouldn’t stop. What really gets me is when he called his father for help.” (“Dad! Dad! Daad!”)
Sara: Heart breaking.
Genaire: Pigs need Death!
Rayn: American Fascism, Exposed…
Morgan S.: I read that the Two assniffers I mean officers might be facing Federal Charges.

“MURDER: It’s okay when the government does it”
(Artwork by, and originally located here)
Genaire: Actually what needs to happen is people need to take out their anger on these judges that allow these pigs to get away with this shit. If the people actually kill a few of these pigs this behavior will quickly stop.
Diana B.: kill a few pigs? i hate pork, but i wouldn’t stoop to a pigs level 😐
Genaire: Apparently the people won’t get justice in the court rooms, Diana, so what options do we have? I feel the families of these individuals brutalized by these officers should seek retribution. In no way should these acts of violence be allowed to continue. People have a right to defend themselves and the lives of their families.
Diana B.: Thats true Genaire, but if I went and popped off people who fucked me over in some way the whole damn world would be dead! besides, if you trust in a Higher Power, then you have nothing to fear and no need for revenge, knowing in your heart these things will be worked out bc me and you can’t possibly understand how to properly punish these pigs. But Gd does. and will…..
Genaire: Diana, we aren’t talking about being fucked over we are talking about murder. Yes I believe in a higher power but I really don’t see a problem with making sure those responsible for the murder of a relative to face that higher power a little early.
Diana B.: yea i wouldn’t mind myself,. but would u be able to really do that?? i could never kill anything unless it was coming for me and it was self defense!
Diana B.: too bad this guy wasn’t strapped 😐
Genaire: He was mentally disabled.
Genaire: “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. ”
Diana B.: mentally disabled is no reason to not have a gun lol! all these killers lately have been maniacs. imagine everyone had a gun wouldn’t that deter some crazy cops???
Genaire: I would love that Diana 🙂
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)