Sanitizing Savagery…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Daily Update On the Moral Status of Abortion,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Not being dismembered is a human right”

My Commentary: Sanitizing savagery…

Eugenics for Leftist Dummies

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them.”

My Commentary: Eugenics, for leftist dummies. “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them.”

Voting is State-Sponsored Terrorism

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Government, when it is examined, turns out to be nothing more nor less than a group of fallible men with the political force to act as though they were infallible.” – Robert LeFevre

John D.: To vote for a master makes you no less a slave. These hand-selected puppets of ultra-wealthy shadow influencers will continue to bomb children, abroad, while destroying your lives, at home. Meanwhile, the revolution against tyranny keeps humanity running in circles. Our evolution will not happen until we begin to take a step back from the vicious cycle of history, to truly consider our present condition, while finally not distracted by fleeting fantasies of future sustainability within pure corruption.

My Commentary: The government-educated voting cattle call this “choice.” I call it “State-Sponsored Terrorism.”

“Most Americans are so brainwashed by the time they complete twelve years of Government Education, that they cannot even recognize mass murder by the U.S. Government as a crime.” – Jeff Knaebel

Individual Consent is the Cornerstone of a Free, Equal, Peaceful and Just Society

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Vote 4 Nobody, Nobody Tells the Truth,” which I originally posted to my own wall in October of 2018, and decidedly re-shared it, while adding a commentary…

My Commentary: Individual consent is the cornerstone of a free, equal, peaceful and just society. Anything less is the basis of bondage and oppression.