The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…
Stacie T.: I thought this would interest you.

On September 13, 2012, the Dept of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps youth, aka the Homeland Youth. Image courtesy of
The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany . Regardless of their name, Obama’s Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth! Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS’s “Youth Corps”, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country!
On September 13, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps first-responders, “Homeland Youth”. While the idea of having a volunteer force of tens of thousands of volunteers scattered across the country to aid in times of natural disasters sounds great, the details and timing of this new government army is somewhat curious, if not disturbing!
DHS raising an armed army!
The first problem one finds with this ‘new army’ is the fact that they are mere children. Yes, 18 is generally the legal age a person can sign a contract, join the military or be tried as an adult. But ask any parent – an 18, 20 or even a 24 year-old is still a naïve, readily-influenced kid.
The second problem with this announcement and program is its timing. Over the past two years, Obama has signed a number of Executive Orders suspending all civil and Constitutional rights and turning over management of an America under Martial Law to FEMA!
Also in that time, domestic federal agencies under DHS, including FEMA, have ordered billions of rounds of ammunition as well as the corresponding firearms. Admittedly, these new weapons and ammunition are not to be used in some far-off war or to fight forest fires in California , but right here on the streets of America!
Strange Armored Fighting Vehicles
Individuals around the US have begun reporting the site of strange, new, heavily-armed FEMA fighting vehicles.What would a disaster relief agency like FEMA need with 2,500 brand new GLS armored fighting vehicles? According to the agency’s own mandate, as well as Obama’s recent Executive Order, the answer is‘population control’ during a time of Martial Law.
Welcome to the FEMA Corps Inaugural Class”
Rayn: Thanks for sharing, Stacie. Sadly, most are too apathetic to care… I mean, check out how, even with the DHS article IN THE DESCRIPTION, the very first comment on this picture is: “Where do u guys get this shit lol… Don’t believe everything on the internet.”
Most individuals have become so intellectually lazy at this point, it’s *almost* not worth informing others of the truth. They are absolutely hostile towards fact, and consider anyone who attempts to discuss such things “naive” or a “conspiracy theorist.” Of course, spewing trite labels at complete strangers, in lieu of utilizing independent thought and critical thinking, is absolutely BRILLIANT to these types! Unbelievable…
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)