The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Truth Behind Pavlov’s ‘Conditioning’ Experiments“…
Intriguing… Illustrations of Pavlov’s “conditioning” experiments never seem to include “the saliva catch container and tube surgically implanted in the dog’s muzzle”:
The stuffed, mounted remains of one of the many dogs used in Pavlov’s “conditioning” experiments. It is currently located at the Pavlov Museum in Ryazan, Russia
Yet, this information is available even through Wikipedia! fail to realize that Pavlov’s experiments were conducted on children, as well, complete with surgical implantation of saliva-catching apparatus: still shot from “Mechanics of the Brain,” a 1926 Soviet documentary film about Pavlovian “conditioning.” The child in this picture has been surgically implanted with a saliva-catching apparatus for the purposes of behavioral experimentation
Another still shot from “Mechanics of the Brain.” Like the child above, the dog in this picture has been surgically implanted with a saliva-catching device, for the purposes of behavioral experimentation
This man is a criminal, in my book! His “science” should have served as multiple exhibits in his court trial!
Stan H.: Maybe he is technically not a criminal because this practice was acceptable back then. . .
Rachel S.: i agree with stan. this was acceptable back then even though its inhumane nowadays.
Jordan K.: WTF… at one point slavery and rape were acceptable too?
Stan H.: In some 3rd World countries, it probably still “is”. Good point Jordan. Our societies are fucked!
Rayn: That’s EXACTLY why I said that he’s a criminal “in my book,” Stan and Rachel (although, I don’t doubt that others would feel the same as I do, once presented with the harrowing facts at hand). According to even Wiki, “Pavlov was highly regarded by the Soviet government, and he was able to continue his research until he reached a considerable age. He was praised by Lenin.” Aww! How sweet! What a cozy little relationship he had with the USSR! But, it’s as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” Truth!
Man-made laws concocted by bloated parasite governments DO NOT constitute human morality! In all reality, even at age two, I would have reacted with the same level of disgust and anger in witnessing Pavlov’s unconscionable experimentation on dogs and children as I do today, if not more, since I would have been unable to process “why?”
Stan H.: I’m under the impression that society in general accepted Pavlov’s practices for experimentation at the time and did not feel it too intrusive at the time, but I really have no idea. Damn you and your salivating dogs Pavlov!!
Rayn: Never make the mistake of confusing society with government, Stan. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to read Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, as the work lays out the difference clearly, there! And, after all, it IS the inspiration for America’s Declaration of Independence. 🙂
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)