I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

It was an “accident”
SS = Scout Snipers: US Marines Adopt Nazi Goons Emblem:
(RT) A picture showing a US Marine scout sniper team posing in front of what appears as a flag of the notorious Nazi organization SS, has surfaced online. The Marine Corps confirmed that the embarrassing photo taken in Afghanistan is real.
My Commentary: It’s only fitting, since Hitler DID get all of his EUGENICIST inspiration for “RACIAL HYGIENE” from the UNITED STATES – where state-enforced sterilization was the order of the day for the “unfit” at the turn of the 20th century!
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics:
Eugenics and the Nazis — the California Connection:
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)