The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Cowardly Pig with Little Man Syndrome Violently Asserts “Authority” Over Young Women for Jaywalking“…
Rayn: Seattle Officer Punches Girl in Face During Jaywalking Stop:
Seattle Officer Punches Girl in Face During Jaywalking Stop: the above video, a Seattle police officer physically assaults a 19-year-old girl, then punches a 17-year-old girl in the face! What is their original crime? JAY-WALKING!!!
And, remember: questioning the validity of being detained for such an IMAGINARY CRIME has ALWAYS been an offense punishable by arrest! As you can see, in our current American police state, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are authorized to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY in order to subdue the perpetrators of victimless “crimes.”
Think hard, then UNDERSTAND that JAY-WALKING is a form of PRE-CRIME!!! Big Brother Government has granted itself the AUTHORITY to accuse all INDIVIDUALS it CONTROLS as GUILTY of not being able to properly cross the street!!! Yet, if these young girls were TRULY GUILTY, then they would not have made it across the street without causing a car accident or injury to themselves.
FACE IT!!! Laws made to PRE-EMPTIVELY keep individuals “safe,” without regard or merit to the real-time actions of INDIVIDUAL “CITIZENS” is, IN FACT, a subtle and sinister form of OPPRESSION!!! As with all EMPIRES, our government has slowly and systematically weaseled itself the “RIGHT” to force us to live by the standard of the lowest common denominator of intelligence! If one INDIVIDUAL makes a mistake or a bad decision in this system, THE REST OF US will be PERPETUALLY PUNISHED FOR IT!!! However, in reality, the unfair, unjust “JAYWALKING” laws in America should AT LEAST be modified (if not completely discarded), so that individuals cannot be held accountable for such a so-called “crime” unless they actually obstruct traffic, cause an accident, or get hit by a car, due to their actions.
Personally, I’m SO VERY SICK AND TIRED of being subjected to the FORCE of the STATE. And, I’m damn-near fed up with pretending that I’m some sort of moron that needs to be “protected” from myself… by corrupt, morally-bankrupted politicians, of all individuals, to boot!!!!! Ha! What a joke! Anyone willing to believe in something THAT ASININE and ILLOGICAL deserves to be RULED OVER! But, I will NEVER BE FOOLED because I know how to THINK FOR MYSELF, and make my OWN DECISIONS!!!
A long time ago, individuals were only subjected to laws that were clearly written, or clearly stated, so that CHOICE and FREE-WILL could actually be factored into government!! Then, if certain laws seemed unreasonable, an INDIVIDUAL could always CHOOSE to live somewhere where the laws were more equitable to their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But, sadly, if we did that in these times, their simply wouldn’t be enough space on the planet to post the amount of rules and regulations that we are unwittingly subject to every day, against our will!! We would literally suffocate under the weight of American BUREAUCRACY GONE RAMPANT!
As Marcus Cicero once said, “the more laws, the less justice!”
So, what are your thoughts? I’m very interested to know!!!
Earlene E.: Burn him at the stake
Mike D.: Fucked up & uncalled for, he probably got applauded for it.
Sara: What a disgusting coward! OMG I am appalled! This is the reason why we call cops pigs! By the way, the pig is under investigation:
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)