The following correspondence originally took place here, within the public Facebook group, “Tavalon Tea“…
Chris C.: TeaTube Episode 6 – Chillin’ with Iced Tea. Tea Sommelier Chris Cason keeps it cool explaining how to make the best iced tea, and then takes on the Golden Arches and others, coming up with better, healthier and less expensive versions of their signature iced teas. For more information, check out
Diane F.: Love the bling! Ice, Ice, Baby!
Rayn: Great video! Very informative, as usual! And, amusing, as well! Skillz!
I like your title as “Tea Sommelier.” I’ve always wondered if there was a special word to describe what you do. I used to be a “barista,” making and serving espresso, so I figured that the Tea World would also be using Romantic language in order to create that Olde World feeling.
Hannah C.: I love these. Keep ’em brewing.
Chris C.: Thanks!
Gary L.: Love the video. Just one question: How high were you for the bling segment?
Chris C.: High tea?
Elizabeth V.: fantastic opening and closing shots! Your camera gal was great!
Debbie C.: mmm that peach iced tea sounds yummy
Sarah C.: Very informative and entertaining as usual 🙂 Love the Mc Nasty comment!
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)