I originally posted the following news commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Peace Officer Versus Police Officer
Why Fearing the Police Is Not Irrational:
(Brian Cohoon, LewRockwell.com) – There was a day in America when we, the people, had great respect for the police. When they would ask you how you are doing, they sincerely wanted to know because they cared. That day has passed with barely a whisper or complaint. Today when a cop (they prefer to be called Police Officers, as they feel “cop” is somewhat derogatory) asks you how you are, they are not doing it because they care but rather to set you at ease so you feel that their follow-up questions are friendly and benign. Since for most of us, our likely contact with the police is during a traffic stop (this is actually an arrest. If you do not believe this, try and leave the scene of the top, or not stop in the first place), and the follow-up questions inevitably will be:
- Where are you coming from (sic)?
- Where are you going?
- What are you doing?
- Do you have anything illegal in your possession?
My Commentary: It is the job of cops to intimidate you into incriminating yourself. So long as they can pretend a crime was committed, they are ensuring their own future job security. It is a glaring conflict of interest! And, they love to nab people for victim-free “offenses.” This type of busy-work keeps them from having to deal with real criminals, and situations that could potentially put their lives in real danger. Remember, the Prison Industrial Complex is mostly privatized now. Convicts in private prisons can be put to work for 25 cents an hour or less. So, it makes sense to fill jails with productive, functional citizens, rather than dysfunctional, violent offenders. They make much better SLAVE LABORERS! Research it! The same companies who own prisons lobbied for (and won) mandatory drug sentencing, and the “three-strikes” rule. No one should be accountable for failing to follow man-made laws! They are so unfair that they aren’t even clearly posted, and require no victim in order to be broken! The whole thing is a RACKET!
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)
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Apparently, this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.