Full Episodes of All Star Trek Series Available on StarTrek.com!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned artwork here, being shared by the page, “Star Trek,” and originally posted it to the wall of family, along with commentary…

Watch your favorite episodes NOW from any of the Star Trek series at http://bit.ly/fZiy1x

My Commentary: Sweet!

Discussing “Ender’s Game”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “‘Ender’s Game’ Film Release Date Finally Revealed!“…

“Ender’s Game – 11.1.13”

Rayn: Yes! Finally! 🙂

Genaire: Nothing you can handle without a diaper!

Rayn: Stop biting off my lines, or I’ll castrate you in your sleep!

Brian J.: What the fuck is this all about! Lol!

Rayn: Are you inquiring about the movie, or the comments above?

Brian J.: The movie. I saw the trailer and it looks good.

Genaire: It’s based off a best selling book that both Rayn and I read.

Rayn: The book is INSANE! And, it is, indeed, sci-fi! It would take me a while to explain it all, here, but you can read this summary, for some more details: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/endersgame/summary.html

Rayn: I read the book when I was nine or ten, and then put Genaire up on it, later – hence, the irony of him claiming that I can’t handle it, while simultaneously biting off my lines! “Don’t sweat the technique,” Genaire!

A Short Review of the Film, “Surrogates”

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…



Rayn: I just got back from enjoying the movie, “Surrogates,” with Genaire.

Earlene E.: how was it
i was going to see it on friday but saw couples retreat instead

Jonathan P.: You enjoyed that movie? I think it was dissappointing

Rayn: To answer you all, the movie definitely could have been better, but it was entertaining enough! It was at worth at least a single viewing! The writers had a good premise, and therefore, a lot of material to work with, but, in the end, they didn’t do anything truly spectacular with the plot. They had all the makings for something cinematically spectacular and mind-bending, like the Matrix, or even Twelve Monkeys, but instead, opted for a clean, mainstream Hollywood storyline. Rather than be inundated by what seemed like an endless stream of chase scenes and special effects, I was much more interested in understanding the intricacies holding together this story, such as the psychology behind the characters in this movie. I would have liked to learn exactly why each character picked the particular “surrogate” they did, with the look it had. However, this was only superficially explored. There was very little in the movie about how the surrogates affected class distinction – something that would have been very interesting. Also, I would have liked to see more background about the one community that rejected all forms of technology.