I Love Voluntaryism!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty 3VOLution,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I ♥ Voluntaryism"

“I ♥ Voluntaryism”

My Commentary: Reject the central government religion of violent coercion, and embrace the EQUALITY and JUSTICE of Individual Sovereignty and co-existence through The Non-Aggression Principle of Voluntaryism! Humanity is ready for another Liberty 3VOLution! 

Continue the Oppressive Cycle of Violence, or Embrace the Non-Aggression Principle?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Violence is the Language of the Oppressor!“…

Rayn: The Non-Aggression Principle is the foundation of True Peace! Violence is the language of the Oppressor, and “the last refuge of the incompetent.” Those who follow after Cain will indeed find themselves among their brethren… in the Pit!

Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State's use of violence?

Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State’s use of violence?

Adam G.: My violence is different from the state’s because I am protecting myself. If you can’t see the difference, then you either have a metric fucktonne of privielge or don’t pay attention.

Rayn: Hmmm… To begin, Adam, if you can’t see the difference between physical self-defense and violent revolution… please let me know, and I will be more than happy to explain! I would never deny another the right to physical self-defense in the event of an immediate threat of violence. That is a personal CHOICE, to be made with respect to each situation, even. 🙂

Second, you have committed three logical fallacies in your conclusion. (1) The False Dichotomy: There are many more reasons than the two you have presented to explain why I would be unable to see difference between “[your] violence” versus the State’s use of it. (2) An Ad Hominem Attack: Claiming me to have either a “metric fucktonne of privilege  or to be “not paying attention” are unsubstantiated personal jabs at me, and do nothing to further an explanation of your position, and really only support your last error, (3) An Appeal to Ridicule: Mocking what you believe is my position does nothing to explain your position. This is true, regardless of what form of mockery you engage in, really.

I will be happy to continue this discussion with you, but you must stay on track. Let’s share ideas. I enjoy it. Also, be sure to let me know if you are referring to physical self-defense, or violent revolution, when you mention “[your] violence,” as I am not sure, since your wording leaves much room to interpret “protecting [your]self” as self-defense, especially since you did not elaborate on your position whatsoever, and presented an Appeal to Ridicule. To me, this means that we might just be dealing with a matter of semantics, here. 🙂

Violence is the Language of the Oppressor!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty 3VOLution,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State's use of violence?"

“Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State’s use of violence?”

My CommentaryThe Non-Aggression Principle is the foundation of True Peace! Violence is the language of the Oppressor, and “the last refuge of the incompetent.” Those who follow after Cain will indeed find themselves among their brethren… in the Pit!

(*update*: this posting sparked the debate, “Continue the Oppressive Cycle of Violence, or Embrace the Non-Aggression Principle?” Check it out!)

Happy 275th Birthday, Thomas Paine!

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine

I’d like to wish Thomas Paine a happy posthumous 275th birthday! As a staunch slave abolitionist, and a champion of gender equality, he put America’s other “Founders” to shame! In honor of his memory, and that of ALL INFO-WARRIORS, I will continue to expose the the ultra-wealthy, elitist, genocidal, eugenicist, slave-driving, women-oppressing, Death-worshiping parasites and hypocrites that CO-OPTED the Revolution of his time, while revealing modern-day lizards, as well!

Debating the Validity of the “Occupy” Movement

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared a status update from political activist, Mark Dice

“Collectivism: Marx’s ‘Best Idea'”

“Collectivism: Marx’s ‘Best Idea’”

Mark Dice: Dear, the 99%… 1% of the earth’s 7 billion population is 70 million people. Could you please be a bit more specific about who you think the “bad guys” are. Thanks. I suggest a dozen demands about policies that need to be changed, but hey, that’s just me.

Rayn: Don’t let the misguided populist sentiment of the “occupy” movement fool ya! Mindless collectivism IS THE DISEASE, NOT THE CURE!

Katherine C.: Even if they are a bit misguided and their efforts are all over the place, let’s not forget that they are new, and it will take massive efforts for them to unite and get a clear agenda. And frankly, even if they don’t achieve a gosh darn thing, a little protesting, rioting and even revolution is good for nations.

Rayn: Damn sure, revolution is good! Even our so-called Founding Fathers agreed on that! But, it starts in the MIND first, long before it hits the streets! And, that’s precisely how I know that the current “occupations” are all theater! I’ve had my ear to the streets for a long time, and am a member of MANY independent, grass-roots revolution groups. And, you know what? NOT ONE – NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM – was used to help organize these so-called revolutions! Just how can that be? Well, it’s simple: do some quick research, and you will easily discover which billionaires are funding these astroturf “occupy” movements! You might even laugh at how easy it is to dispel the myth about these protests, and should rightfully wonder why others haven’t researched for themselves! The answer is obvious: it’s all about collectivism!

Katherine C.: give me websites…I did do some research but I did not come up with much but I don’t have enough time to really get into it

Katherine C.: I also heard that they have only raised 150,000 dollars. That’s not a lot anyway.