Are Obama’s Claims of Progressing Civil Rights and the American Economy Actually Legitimate?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Hooray! The “Lesser of Two Evils” Has Prevailed!“…

Rayn: The sheeple have spoken, and the “lesser of two evils” has prevailed! More wars! More drone strikes! More murdered civilians! More indefinite detentions! More torture! More names on the “Presidential Kill List”! More assassinations of American citizens! Yay for democracy! Hooray for progress!

"Americans used to fight fascists, now they vote for them"

“Americans used to fight fascists, now they vote for them”

Brian J.But yay for women’s rights, healthcare, gay rights, and the middle-class. Obama kills for an actual reason, even though it’s wrong. Bush killed for no reason. Obama is at least trying to catch the terrorists, that the CIA creates. LOL! At least that’s some progress. But America is gonna get even better in the next four years, and I get to relax. And I voted Libertarian! Who would of thunk it?! 🙂

James J.Obama spent more on the war then bush ever did and is a drone strike fanatic and it is proven drone strikes kills are 80% civilian including woman and children and he also supports every bad thing we hated about bush including the patriot act which allows him to detain anyone for what ever reason and hold them with out trial not including his own recklessness with the war that gots his own commanders worried what he is going to do next

Daniel F.Tonight was a victory for the American people. The repuglicans’ attempts at voter suppression may very well have backfired in a major way, as all over the country people refused to be deterred by long lines from casting their votes. Romney and the rethuglicans had nothing to run on aside from bigotry and fear, and in the end all that cash from the Koch-heads and Adelson ended up being for nothing. The plutocrats were hell-bent on making sure that Elizabeth Warren never got anywhere near the Senate, and they failed at that. Those Akin and Turdock creatures found out the hard way that such comments on rape do not go over well even in states like Missouri and Indiana. And in Colorado and Washington, voters actually voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. And most importantly we are reminded that the winner of an election is not the candidate who can raise the most money, but the candidate who gets the most votes.

GenaireBrian, we all lose. Only those looking for handout seem to think the opposite.

Brian J.Actually, we don’t. Obama hasn’t been perfect, and he has committed war crimes. But the economy is getting better, more jobs are being created, and the unemployment rate is going down. He’s definitely a better choice than Romney, and I think he’s gonna become a good president for the American people. But if you’re a terrorist that we created, watch out! Lol!

Brian J.Obama has done many good things for the American people, during the last four years. You just don’t hear about it, due to the lack of coverage on what he’s done. Sadly, his focus on using the Patriot Act, and drone attacks, gets more attention. And he hasn’t started any new wars. He ended one war, and has only used drone attacks, without creating another war, or spending more money.

GenaireBrian, why do you keep comparing Obama to Romney? Our political system has more than two political parties. Yes, we, in your mind may have elected into office the lesser of the two evils, but we had more than two choices. He can create all the jobs in the world – with the money he spends on war, it won’t matter.

Rayn: Obama HAS started new wars, Brian. We already discussed this, when you made this claim previously. Therefore, I will just cut and paste what I already wrote to you in our last discussion on the subject (

Obama actually escalated America’s war in Afghanistan, while also aggressively continuing war operations in Pakistan, and authorizing new military strikes against Yemen, Libya and Somalia. Therefore, he has unequivocally engaged the U.S. in EVEN MORE WAR:

The Nine Surges of Obama’s War [in Afghanistan] (December 2009 article):

Obama’s 262 Drone Strikes in Pakistan (June 2012 article):

Obama Ramps Up Covert [Drone] War in Yemen (June 2011 article):

White House Defends Continuing U.S. Military Role in Libya Operation (June 2011 article):

Obama (Finally) Notifies Congress of Troops Deployed to Libya and Yemen (September 2012 article):

Obama’s New War in Uganda (October 2011 article):

Obama Acknowledges Waging War in Somalia in Latest War Powers Report (June 2012 article):

Then, there’s the matter of Obama’s numerous threats to engage in even more new wars that the ones just mentioned:

Obama Threatens Force Against Syria (August 2012 article):

Obama Ordered Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran (June 2012 article):

Armada of US and British Naval Power Amassing in Persian Gulf, Prepared for Possible Iran Strike (September 2012):
(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Don’t Forget to Vote Democrat or Republican (For More War Crimes)…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People Over Politics,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Don't forget to vote. Democrat or Republican (Paid for by the psychopathic oligarchy of international bankers and private corporations.)"

“Don’t forget to vote. Democrat or Republican (Paid for by the psychopathic oligarchy of international bankers and private corporations.)”

My Commentary: The worthless “lesser of two evils” argument is based upon TWO DISTINCT LOGICAL FALLACIES: the false dilemma AND the false compromise! It is COMPLETELY ILLEGITIMATE, and DOES NOT represent the mindset of RATIONAL or FREE-THINKING Individuals! And, THE RESULTS ARE CLEAR!

War crimes and crimes against peace are not justifiable, under any circumstances.

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: A Time to Break Silence (1967):

Obama is the King of the Garden of Bones!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Silenced No More,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Being the president What my friends think I do What Republicans think I do What Democrats think I do What Libertarians think I do What socialists think I do What I actually do."

“Being the president
What my friends think I do
What Republicans think I do
What Democrats think I do
What Libertarians think I do
What socialists think I do
What I actually do.”

My Commentary: The King of the Garden of Bones!

Obama an Admitted Terrorist!

I originally posted the following artwork and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, located here, on the Facebook page, "Propaganda Remix Project"

“Look out, Pakistan! Here come our robotic murder drones! (Hope you aren’t having a party…) A message from the Ministry of Homeland Security”
(Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, and originally located
here, upon the Facebook page, “Propaganda Remix Project“)

“If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf will not act, we will.” – Candidate Obama, August 2007

Obama’s right! Women and children ARE high-value targets… IF YOU’RE A TERRORIST!!!

Ironically, America’s First Black President Invades Africa

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The African nation, Libya, is under military attack by America

The African nation, Libya, is under military attack by America

America’s First Black President Invades Africa:

(Don DeBar) In a move reminiscent of Senator Mike Mansfield’s observation that “Only a Nixon could go to China,” President Barack Obama has begun a US military invasion of Africa.

For those unaware, Libya is in Africa.

Ignoring the call of the African Union – the regional organization having jurisdiction which counts every African nation save Morocco among its members – and channeling the political ghost of George W. Bush on the eighth anniversary of the “Shock and Awe” attack on Iraq, “America’s First Black President” ordered the launch of some 110 Tomahawk missiles on Libya Saturday, killing an unknown number of Africans for oil.

According to various media sources, Libyan authorities reported that 48 people were killed and more than 150 injured, most of them civilians, and that the missiles hit civilian targets, among them a hospital in Tripoli, in an attack that Obama claimed was intended to protect civilians from the Libyan government.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: “Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?” Perhaps Obama should receive another Nobel Peace Prize, eh?