Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

The following proclamation was inspired by my debate, “Discussing Egypt’s Revolution“…

2011-02-02 - Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

Screw America’s diluted, detached definition of FREEDOM, and to the garbage pile with our failed DEMOCRACY! These IDEAS are MEANINGLESS without TRUTH and JUSTICE – the FIRST & LAST of the SEVEN PILLARS of the HOUSE OF WISDOM*! They are the ONLY REAL CORNERSTONES of a FREE society, and the ONLY REAL PROTECTION against the HOUSE OF BONDAGE! Without them, FREEDOM is lawlessness & DEMOCRACY is mob-ruled oppression!

*Spirit of Life

Constitutional Republic Versus Democracy – Inalienable Rights Versus Mob Rule

"Democracy: Two Wolves and a Sheep Voting on What's for Dinner"

“Democracy: Two Wolves and a Sheep Voting on What’s for Dinner”

As with all election seasons I have previously experienced, in these last few days,  I have heard countless individuals paying lip-service to America’s “democracy,” while very few speak of the much more vitally importantrepublic”  that this country was Constitutionally founded upon. Therefore, I’d like to point out a few important facts for consideration:

1) America’s government was never meant to be a pure “democracy.” Instead, it was intended to be a “Constitutional Republic.”

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