Leftists Are Amused by a “Joke” Meme Involving the American Government’s War Crimes

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared a meme from here

Sam B.:

"Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer Obama: That's an Etch-a-Sketch Biden: Yup"

“Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer
Obama: That’s an Etch-a-Sketch
Biden: Yup”

(note that upon sharing this meme to his wall, Sam soon receives 9 “likes” and 7 “hahas” from his Facebook friends)

RaynHa! Good one! Super funny! Nothing like a clever joke involving the American government’s War Crimes!

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

When combining the officially-acknowledged, yet incomplete, government-reported numbers of casualties from drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan, the most modest possible totals show that between 616 – 1,258 civilians were killed, which includes between 186 – 241 children.

Get the Data: Drone Wars:

During Obama’s presidency, between 449 – 926 of the above-mentioned civilians casualties occurred (about 72.9% – 73.6% of the totals), which includes between 80 – 112 children (about 43 % – 46.5% of the totals). This is just more bipartisan criminality taking place in the ludicrous, endless “War on Terror.”

Oh, and this doesn’t even include US drone operations occurring in Iraq, Libya and Syria…

US Drone Strikes Could be Classed as War Crimes, Says Amnesty International:

The Genocidal Truths Surrounding the So-Called “Discovery” of America

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"A depiction of Columbus’ hunting dogs feeding on natives."

“A depiction of Columbus’ hunting dogs feeding on natives.”

7 Myths and Atrocities of Christopher Columbus That Will Make You Cringe:

() (Inspired by Vince Schilling‘s article for Indian Country Today Media Network: Read it here.)

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, so goes the elementary school rhyme. But Columbus also committed numerous crimes against humanity that we never learned about in school. This coming Monday, whenever you see a status update or tweet mentioning Columbus Day, share this article in response. On the anniversary of Columbus’ landing, it’s important for everyone to remember that Christopher Columbus was one of the most evil men to ever walk the earth, and that the myths propagated about him were completely wrong.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: I discovered and read “Bartoleme de Las Casas, Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. (1542)” in the public library when I was around 9 or 10 years old, and innocently searching for any information I could find on the Native American portion of my family’s ancestry. It changed my views on EVERYTHING, FOREVER… Needless to say, the very first thing to go was any semblance of trust that I had in public schooling. Never again would allow the institution to “interfere with my education” (to paraphrase Mark Twain)…

Bartoleme de Las Casas, Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. (1542)

New Analysis of Ancient Cave Paintings Suggest Women to be Artists Responsible

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Ancient cave paintings

Ancient cave paintings

Were the First Artists Mostly Women?:

Handprints in ancient cave art most often belonged to women, overturning the dogma that the earliest artists were all men.

Women made most of the oldest-known cave art paintings, suggests a new analysis of ancient handprints. Most scholars had assumed these ancient artists were predominantly men, so the finding overturns decades of archaeological dogma.

Archaeologists have found hundreds of hand stencils on cave walls across the world. Because many of these early paintings also showcase game animals—bison, reindeer, horses, woolly mammoths—many researchers have proposed that they were made by male hunters, perhaps to chronicle their kills or as some kind of “hunting magic” to improve success of an upcoming hunt. The new study suggests otherwise.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Ancient home-making? 🙂

Discussing Over-Prescribing, and Non-Disclosure of Risk, Regarding Contraceptive Pill

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Contraceptive Pill as a Form of Soft-Kill Eugenics“…


Rayn: Soft-kill eugenics…

Why I Think Doctors Are Over-Prescribing the Pill:

Emily C.: Good article, Rayn. This Dr talks about the venereal disease and associated disease epidemic associated with oral contraceptive pill use. I did not see the mention anywhere that condoms can protect against these awful, debilitating, and deadly diseases.
I honestly think that oral contraceptive pills should be free, require no Dr prescription, and available easily at any convenience store or pharmacy.

Alison K.: I was always baffled by our peers who voluntarily took the pill, Drs tried putting me on it, I always declined. Now they love pushing IUDs – every damn visit. It’s actually hard to find a DR that isn’t just a shill for the pharmaceutical industry. Who in their right mind would allow a copper implant to be put in them?

The Contraceptive Pill as a Form of Soft-Kill Eugenics

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Why I Think Doctors Are Over-Prescribing the Pill:

(Dr. John Littell) It was at a medical conference in Orlando, Florida, some years back when I decided I must write a book about, and for, women who have been victimized by the health care system. As a family physician practicing for more than twenty-five years, I’ve had countless women come through my doors with a myriad of gynecologic concerns. At this particular conference, I asked the lecturer—a prominent women’s health physician—to explain why he did not mention the connection between cervical cancer and the use of oral contraceptives in his talk on cervical cancer. He replied (before three hundred other physicians), “Let’s keep that to ourselves.”

Let’s keep that to ourselves? Keep information from patients?

The status quo, it seemed, was this: Let’s keep women in the dark about the risks associated with using the Pill…

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary:  Soft-kill eugenics…