Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Becomes a ‘Conspiracy Fact’

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Embassy of the United States of America”

Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers:

(William J. BroadDuring the Cold War, Washington feared that Moscow was seeking to turn microwave radiation into covert weapons of mind control.

More recently, the American military itself sought to develop microwave arms that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and even spoken words into people’s heads. The aims were to disable attackers and wage psychological warfare.

Now, doctors and scientists say such unconventional weapons may have caused the baffling symptoms and ailments that, starting in late 2016, hit more than three dozen American diplomats and family members in Cuba and China. The Cuban incidents resulted in a diplomatic rupture between Havana and Washington.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: When the so-called “conspiracy theory” appears to be the only logical explanation, after two years of official investigation…

Discussing Heroism as Another Casualty of America’s Police State

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Heroism Another Casualty of America’s Police State“…

Innocent victim of police shooting, Tony Garces

RaynHe Disarmed a Possible Church Shooter — Then Police Arrived and Shot Him:

Please, serfs, don’t play hero… You’re not helping! Just allow shooters to fully execute their murderous plans with no resistance, or you’ll confuse police, and get yourself shot! Attacking an armed criminals while unarmed is dangerous, anyway!

In conclusion, if you don’t trust the police with your safety, you’re a crazy, racist gun-nut!

Sandra C.This is exactly why you Don’t give Teachers Guns!

Rayn: This is why police shouldn’t have guns… I’d be surprised if the cops don’t claim that this man was being violent, like they’ve done in similar situations..

Bound Hostage Killed by FBI in Botched Raid Grabbed Agent’s Rifle, Sheriff Says:

Tosh.0 Production Assistant, Taken Hostage, Accidentally Killed by LAPD:

Heroism Another Casualty of America’s Police State

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Innocent victim of police shooting, Tony Garces

He Disarmed a Possible Church Shooter — Then Police Arrived and Shot Him:

(Tim Stelloh) Tony Garces was still reeling from his injuries on Tuesday, nearly two weeks after he disarmed a possible church shooter in Amarillo, Texas — and was then shot by police.

Speaking to NBC News by phone from his hospital room at Heart Hospital of Northwest Texas, Garces, 54, said that he was admitted to the emergency room on Monday with a blood clot in his lung.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Please, serfs, don’t play hero… You’re not helping! Just allow shooters to fully execute their murderous plans with no resistance, or you’ll confuse police, and get yourself shot! Attacking an armed criminals while unarmed is dangerous, anyway!

In conclusion, if you don’t trust the police with your safety, you’re a crazy, racist gun-nut!

Gun-Free Zones Only Enable and Embolden Mass Shooters

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jonas A…

Jonas A.: This dude does have a very good point…that’s why random shooters don’t target police stations….

Concealed Carry + Mass Shooting = More Carnage?:

Rayn:  Gun-Free Zone = Guaranteed 100% Defenseless Victims

“Gun-Free Zone Guaranteed 100% Defenseless Victims”

Brian K.: You seem to assume that guns are the only means of defense

Rielly J.: I myself am a libertarian thus I embrace the non aggression principal so it’s obvious that I support gun ownership. The thing that differentiates the non aggression principal from pacifism is that it does not preclude violence as a form of self defense or the defense of others.

Jonas A.: Very true….weapons of any kind should only be used as self defense…nothing should deviate from my libertarian principles either!

David C.: this dude knows whats up. thanks for sharing this!

Rielly J.: The non aggression principal is even incorporated in to our national seal: the eagle holds 13 arrows (the symbol of war) in one talon and an olive branch in the other and it is looking over the olive branch. We are supposed to be a nation that prefers peace but is comfortable with war (although this is not how we have been since the late 80s)

Jonas A.: You’re most welcome! And yeah, non-aggression as defined by the national seal or our constitution should not be a piece of paper, which is what current admins have been doing since Reagan…

Gun-Free Zones Create Defenseless Victims

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “We the Individuals“…


“? No Guns
‘No one here can shoot back’ “

Jonas A.: Stupid! Start prepping for the Mayan end days….idiots!

Black Vatican: Had they tried that in my old school at JFK in the Bronx, fools would’ve gotten popped early than Madonna at puberty. They’re not crazy. They always pull stunts like these in some nice little pacifist school with civilized people.

Diana B.: righttttt wonder why shyt like this never happen in NYC?! or texas for that matter??? coz everybody packin!!!!

Diana B.: or it could deflect stupid m*therfuckers from trying shyt if they know many ppl are packin!