Leaked Agreement Proves that Presidential Debates are Rigged

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Obama & Romney: Sniveling Cowards

Obama & Romney: Sniveling Cowards

Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are Sniveling Cowards:

(John CookTime‘s Mark Halperin has made himself useful for once by obtaining, and publishing,a copy of the 21-page memorandum of understanding that the Obama and Romney campaigns negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates establishing the rules governing this month’s presidential and vice presidential face-offs. The upshot: Both campaigns are terrified at anything even remotely spontaneous happening.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Since the Republi-‘Crats continue to agree on WAR, they have once again framed the entire presidential election around it! Meanwhile the two-party fraud colludes behind the scenes to ensure that each of their puppets are beyond reproach throughout the debates!!! As you can see, there is no need for peer review in political “science,” because TYRANNY HATES INQUIRY!

Some of the rules Obama and Romney negotiated with the Commission on Presidential Debates for: “They aren’t permitted to ask each other questions, propose pledges to each other, or walk outside a “predesignated area.” And for the town-hall-style debate tomorrow night, the audience members posing questions aren’t allowed to ask follow-ups (their mics will be cut off as soon as they get their questions out). Nor will moderator Candy Crowley.”

Same Feces, Different Pile

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall…

"Same circus. Different clowns."

“Same circus. Different clowns.”

My Commentary: Same Feces. Different Pile.

Enjoy the Puppet Show!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Truth Be Known,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

Professional Liars Battle for Control Over America

My Commentary: Enjoy the puppet show!

Boycott the Presidential Debates!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “NO to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Boycott the debates. You won't miss much... 'More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer freedoms!' The illusion of choice. (artwork by FreedomBiscuit.com)

“Boycott the debates. You won’t miss much… ‘More war! More spending! Bigger government! Fewer freedoms!’ The illusion of choice.
(Artwork by FreedomBiscuit.com)

My Commentary: Vote Robomney! Four More Wars!

America’s Plutocratic House of Representatives Continue to Vote for MORE WAR!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Mehrdad S…

2012-05-25 - America's Plutocratic House of Representatives Continue to Vote for MORE WAR!

Mehrdad S.: That Was Now, This is Then: Another Pro-War Resolution Hits the House Floor:

Rayn: These ultra-wealthy, immoral, vampire-mummies are BLATANTLY trying to fast-track THEIR WAR, before the American people catch on to their latest lies!

Betsy H.: All the protesting more than likely will never persuade the men and women to listen to the people here until the day comes when peace is more profitable than their war plans. Achieving that goal is still the dream of many here, including me, finding peaceful ways to get their attention while they play us for their votes is the challenge.

Beatris S.: INSANE.

Mehdrad S.: Thanks so much Rayn for your support.

Mehdrad S.: Many thanks Betsy for your very correct diagnosis of this fatal illness. When a democracy is turned into a corporatocracy, with the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex at its core (assisted by a “consent- manufacturing” media), decisions -even by the peoples’ representatives!- to instigate wars of aggression should come as no surprise. As you rightly mentioned, such a war is more profitable to THEM than peace. They represent the said Complex rather than the people.