The IngSoc Mentality Reigns Supreme in America

The following correspondence originally took place here, on the Facebook wall of Voluntaryist, Larken Rose

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.' - George Orwell, 1984

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.’ – George Orwell, 1984

Larken Rose: Here, have a PRINCIPLE: The fact that allowing people their freedom might result in things you don’t like, and things that don’t benefit you, does not mean that forcibly infringing on people’s freedom is justified. Freedom means you don’t always get your way. Deal with it.

Rayn: The IngSoc mentality of doublethink is polluting the thought patterns of far too many to even count. And, we are quickly approaching the year 1984.

Being pro-liberty and pro-justice (hence, a Voluntaryist), I often find myself debating Statists who protect their slave-minded views with some variation on the theme that “freedom is slavery.” These types typically regurgitate thoughtless claims, such as “warlords will take over,” “criminals will run the show,” and other such completely contradictory, totally accusatory ideas. And, I usually eviscerate their faulty logic by simply pointing out that the things they fear most about freedom are, interestingly enough, exactly those which are currently *legally* happening under the yoke of the State.

Also, being pro-peace, and hence, anti-war, I also find myself in the strange position of debating Statists who claim some variation on the theme that “war is peace.” These types often dutifully explain to me that the American government is bombing the Middle-East for the sake of “reducing violence,” for “stability,” for “protection,” for “liberty,” etc., etc. They even readily agree with my assessment of their view, when I say, “so, basically, you believe that war is peace?” Very few recognize the reference, nor do they understand its implications. The idea that a war pig like Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize is completely Orwellian, alone. When I hear any mention of the pathetic “war on terror” justification, I often invoke crickets by mentioning that war, itself, is terrorism. More doublethink…

Sadly, the “ignorance” required for, and maintained by, these two major modes of doublethink lends enormous “strength” to sociopolitical collectivism, and by extension, the continued existence of a single ruling authority-head, capable of molding and forming such a gigantic mass of shapeless, empty human beings into one centrally-structured body.

Will American Internment Camps Make a Comeback Under a Trump or Sanders Presidency?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Trump: Probably No Internment Camps"

“Trump: Probably No Internment Camps”

My Commentary: I’m sure it will only happen if necessary, like when Democratic Party darling, FDR, did it. *sarcasm*

"They called me a socialist, too So, I proved I was actually a fascist by putting 100,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps"

“They called me a socialist, too…
So, I proved I was actually a fascist by putting 100,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps”

Sanders Invokes FDR to Defend Democratic Socialism:

(No mention of internment camps for American citizens)

Exercising “Freedom of Association” in Response to Open Celebration of Crimes Against Peace

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared my artwork, “Spreading Democracy

Rayn: Are you doing your part to help spread democracy, tax-serf?

"I'm doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?" (by Rayn)

“I’m doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?”
(Artwork by Rayn)

Morgan S.: HAHAHAHA we did tooo.

Morgan S.: aint nothing better then watcvhing a two thousand pound JDAM take out those donkey fuckers that were just shooting at us from a building. KAA-BOOOOMMMMM. Say hello to Allah you fuckers.

Morgan S.Marine Hornet Drops 2,000 Pound JDAM Missile on Terrorist Target:

Rayn: Perhaps you missed the point, Morgan, but the artwork I shared above is completely ANTI-WAR in nature, and derides the terrorism of spreading “democracy” with bombs. From now on, please use your *own* Facebook wall to eagerly and gleefully celebrate the American government’s Crimes against peace, their imperialist occupation policies, and your hatred towards Muslims, rather than doing so upon mine. I am not even slightly interested in reading such comments, and am annoyed and disappointed to read yours, here. And, now that I have made myself explicitly clear, if you continue to exercise such “freedom of speech” on my wall, I will respond by exercising my “freedom of association.” Consider this your first and final warning. I can only hope that you understand my request, and will show it the full respect it deserves, so that we can continue to be friends on Facebook without issue. And, please try not to take exception, cousin, because many others wouldn’t even receive a warning. I would simply take action, instead, with the “unfriend” button. Thanx for your time.

Statism: Chains You Can Bereave In!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Punk Rock Libertarians,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“(Left) (Right) Take your pick”

My Commentary: Míshlê [Proverbs] 4:27: Do not turn to the right or the left; Turn your foot away from evil.

Properly Labeling War-Criminals

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by Voluntaryist, Larken Rose, and originally shared it to my own wall, along with commentary…

George W. Bush, Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton

George W. Bush, Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton

Larken Rose: Suppose it was discovered that a man had raped and murdered the woman living in the apartment next to his. Then a friend of the victim, when he heard what had happened, made a bunch of Molotov cocktails and grabbed an assault rifle, and charged into the apartment building, carelessly firing bullets through walls and throwing firebombs around. The result was that the murderer was killed, but half the building burned down, and between the fire and the bullets, five innocent people died, including two small children.

Would you praise the man, and say he was a brave hero, who “made the tough decisions” and got results? Or would you call him an irresponsible idiot, guilty of at least manslaughter, criminal endangerment and negligent homicide, if not outright murder? What if he did similar things, over and over again, targeting other “bad guys,” while consistently killing multiple innocents in the process? What if sometimes he didn’t even get the “bad guy,” while innocents were dying from his actions? What if sometimes he was targeting people when he didn’t actually have proof that they had done anything wrong? Would you view him as a savior and hero, or as a dangerous psycho? Would you hope that he was stopped before he got any more innocents killed?

What if he was the “President of the United States,” and was knowingly getting innocents killed via drone strikes he personally ordered, on a regular basis, based on unproven claims that “bad guys” were hiding in certain buildings?

If you speak of Obama with reverence and respect, you’re a duped idiot. The man is a mass murderer, just as Bush was, and Clinton, and the other Bush, and so on. If family members of his innocent victims wanted to kill the bastard, I wouldn’t blame them in the slightest. If they succeeded, that would be fine by me (even though he would just be replaced with a new sociopathic megalomaniac). I realize this is blasphemy to devout state-worshipers, who revere and adore the most despicable people on earth, but evil doesn’t become good just because you use different words to describe it. As Confucius said, people should “call things by their rightful names,” and the accurate description of the violent criminal living in the White House is not “leader of the free world.” It is “parasite, thief, murderer, tyrant, monster.”

My Commentary: Keep voting for sociopathic scum to ‘rule’ over humanity! It works so well! 😉