Very Telling Posts in What Appears to Be Amber Guyger’s Pinterest Account

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I’m already dressed for your funeral”
amber 🙂 saved to love to laugh: Yah I got meh a gun a shovel an gloves if I were u back da fuck up and get out of meh fucking ass.”

Check Out What Appears To Be Amber Guyger’s Pinterest Account:

(Stephen Young) In the hours and days between shooting Botham Jean and her name being made public, Dallas police Officer Amber Guyger appeared to scrub as much of her life as possible from the internet. By the time Guyger’s name was widely known, she and her family had disappeared from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — the places inquiring minds would typically look for photos and anything else they could find.

It appears that Guyger failed to sweep up one trail of digital breadcrumbs.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Pure pig… Among other suspicious posts, one meme on the profile features a thin blue line, and States, “sometimes, there’s justice, and sometimes, there’s just us.” Another has a minion, standing next to the text, “Ungrateful: No one had thanked me today for having the patience not to kill them.”