Don’t Settle for Imitation! Real Maple Syrup is THE BEST!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Maple syrup spigot, with hook and collection bucket

Maple syrup spigot, with hook and collection bucket

Rayn: The GOODS! Real maple syrup is the undoubtedly the best, so she refuses to settles for less (toxic, heavy-metal laden, man-made, high fructose franken-corn syrup)!

Lana C.: Lol! I hear u that’s all I eat is the REAL maple syrup, not that Aunt Jemima crap…

Rayn: Skillz! Sadly, some Individuals have NO IDEA what real maple syrup tastes like! Yet, the fake stuff is just a CHEAP KNOCK-OFF of the original! Knowing the truth, why would anyone settle for derivative trash?

Lana C.: Yep!

Jonas A.: I want my real maple syrup too…it’s not cheap, but it’s better than the corn crap they serve at other places….

Rayn: While in elementary school in Glen Ridge, NJ, I actually enjoyed some fresh sap from the spigot of a tapped Maple tree! It wasn’t more than a few drops, but I’ll never forget the experience! And, it tasted like nectar! I wish stores would stock it! I’ve read from multiple sources that it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup, so that explains the price tag we deal with for the goods… especially when considering the drip rate of one tapped tree! This technology was given to European settlers by the indigenous Tribes of Native America (just like so many other gifts)! 🙂 This is just another reason why I have SO VERY MUCH respect for the Northern Tribes, especially when I compare their ways to the Western culture of wastefulness, toxification, planned obsolescence, artificial scarcity and monopoly control over resources. It is like viewing DAY vs NIGHT!

Jonas A.: Yeah…you’re quite right about the wastefulness of this society compared to the native cultures they forcefully displaced…

Two Interesting Little-Known Facts About Bananas

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2010-02-25 - Two Interesting New Facts About Bananas

Benefit from the Natural Health of Bananas:

(NaturalNews) The banana that we eat with our morning cereal has been used as a medicine around the world for centuries. Known in Latin as Musa sapienta, the banana is not actually a fruit but an herbaceous perennial. Alone and combined with healing botanicals, the banana can be used to heal ulcers and asthma, or to cure cataracts and other eye problems. Research has now shown that bananas can lower blood pressure as well as prevent colon cancer. Full of many nutrients and fiber, the banana is not only a food, but also a potent medicine.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: It’s intriguing to discover that a banana is NOT EVEN A FRUIT, but an HERBACEOUS PERENNIAL! Thanx for the info, NaturalNews! Also, upon further research into the topic myself, I discovered that bananas DO NOT even grow on TREES, but on STALKS! Wow! (This may be meaningless for some, but I enjoy every opportunity available to UN-LEARN a LIE, then RE-LEARN the TRUTH!)