Transgenderism: Newspeak for Eugenics

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo here, being shared by the page, “I, Hypocrite,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Surgery was a success. I have a vagina.

My Commentary: At the peak of eugenics in America, progressive “medical” doctors, mostly working for the State, would diagnose individuals as mentally-ill, against their will, then have them involuntarily sterilized – often at the nearest Planned Parenthood butcher shop (originally called “American Birth Control League,” at that time).

Nowadays, under the label of “progressive medicine,” one can voluntarily go to a “medical” doctor and seek a diagnosis for mental illness in order to receive a prescription for synthetic sex hormones, and a referral to be sterilized by a plastic surgeon.

Open your eyes and ears, listen to your gut, follow the money, and expose the mass deception.

From Transgenderism to Transethnicism

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The Two Faces of Rachel Dolezal

The Two Faces of Rachel Dolezal

Local NAACP Leader Outed as White By Parents:

My Commentary: Insanity… I’m especially puzzled by the fact that this woman is duly labeled as a fraudster and a perpetrator for concealing her true ethnicity with nothing more than a delusional mind, a tan, and a perm, and yet, Bruce Jenner, on the other hand, is called “heroic” and “courageous” by the mainstream media for concealing his true gender with a pathological level of delusion, extensive self-mutilating plastic surgery, breast enhancement surgery, and a regular regiment of synthetic hormones. He even gets treated to an award and a magazine spread!

Is permanence what legitimizes these sorts of delusions? Or, is it the level of hormonal dedication involved? Or, is it simply a statement about being in the wrong body that’s required to gain acceptance? Would this woman be better received if she were to tattoo pigmentation on her skin, or take hormones to achieve the results she seeks? Need she only declare herself to be of African descent on the inside in order to be embraced for her “transethnicity”? It’s all very mind-boggling, to me!