Happy 275th Birthday, Thomas Paine!

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine

I’d like to wish Thomas Paine a happy posthumous 275th birthday! As a staunch slave abolitionist, and a champion of gender equality, he put America’s other “Founders” to shame! In honor of his memory, and that of ALL INFO-WARRIORS, I will continue to expose the the ultra-wealthy, elitist, genocidal, eugenicist, slave-driving, women-oppressing, Death-worshiping parasites and hypocrites that CO-OPTED the Revolution of his time, while revealing modern-day lizards, as well!

America’s TRUE “Founding Fathers”

On June 11 1776, an Onondaga sachem gave John Hancock an Iroquois name at Independence Hall.

On June 11 1776, an Onondaga sachem gave John Hancock an Iroquois name at Independence Hall.

Many Americans are unconcerned with the fact that our so-called “Founding Fathers” were a small group of rich, white, male, land-holding slave-owners who legitimized imperialism, and the virtual genocide of millions of indigenous North American tribal individuals, while also denying the equal rights of women. Few could imagine that these men ultimately conspired to horde their so-called “enlightenment” for themselves, crafting an intellectual dictatorship over the rest of the populace. Even with the facts laid bare, almost no one could believe that exalted men like Jefferson and Hamilton sought to secure for themselves an elevated position over the masses as the elitist ruling class. Yet, history shows that, once again, the hive-minded hierarchy was formed, with the express purpose of protecting the few parasites on top at the expense of the whole

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