When Working to Expose the Fallacies of Statism, Sharing is Caring!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a graphic being shared by the page, “The Abolitionist Movement“…


"Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false 'authority' that doesn't exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR)."

“Let me make this very clear. Voting is violence, as it legitimizes a false ‘authority’ that doesn’t exist. Begging for a political master in a popularity contest advocates the willful slavery and oppression over your own self and others. Taxation is theft, after you have been extorted through the use of coercion by threat of violence and being put in a cage. Taxation is murder by proxy as your ruling class uses your stolen money to fund mass murder (WAR).”

Jordan K.: I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I shared.

Rayn: Skillz! “Sharing is caring.” 🙂

The Racist History of America’s “Gun Control” Laws

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

No Guns for Negroes:

My Commentary: Exactly! I’ve written about this, too. Here’s some tidbits from my article August 2014, “Ain’t No Half-Stepping in the Battle for Freedom!“:

With all of the recent talk about the KKK, no mention of them would be complete without discussion of the vital role that GUN CONTROL played as a unifying and rallying cause that catapulted them into the role of a nationwide, racist, terrorist group!

The Klan’s Favorite Law:

Is Gun Control Racist?

Isn’t it interesting to see the Democrats – the same party that directly-supported slavery in past – taking up the racist cause of gun control so feverishly, and for so long?

Democratic Party Supported Slavery:

Lincoln Was America’s FIRST Republic President, After Splitting from Democratic Party Over Expansion of Slavery:

But, the complete truth is that US gun control has ALWAYS had racist origins…

The Racist Roots of Gun Control:

The Secret History of Guns:

Sad STATE of Affairs

As I scrolled through my Facebook wall, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Zero Aggression,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Nothing is more surprising than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.” – David Hume (7 May 1711 – 25 August 1776)

My Commentary: Sad STATE of affairs…

(note: though I previously shared this quote in May of 2014, within my post, “The Easiness With Which the Many are Governed by the Few…,” I still felt compelled to offer up yet another alternative commentary when I saw it again, due to the inspiring nature of these words)

Stop Voting for Masters to Rule Over You, or You’ll Always Be a Slave!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Vacate The Vote”…


"I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils... is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism"

“I will not vote. 1. Voting is immoral; 51% ruling over 49% is oppression. 2. US elections are rigged. Poll fraud, super-delegates & electronic voting machines. 3. The electoral college selects presidents. Only 2 states require electors to abide by the will of the voters. 4. Denotes agreement & permission for the system. 5. The lesser of two evils… is still evil. 6. Pre-selected choices so the establishment always wins (see 2-3). Google: Voluntaryism”

David L.: Glad we agree on the deal with superdelegates. The primaries should be about the popular vote.


"Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups… So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!" (by Rayn)

“Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups…
So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Daniel F.: That’s why we have a Constitution which specifies limits on what the government is allowed to do. If democracy is “two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner,” then liberal/constitutional democracy adds the restriction that dinner can’t be the sheep. (Not that the system has ever actually worked very well)

Rayn: As I explained to you previously, Daniel, I wholeheartedly agree with Lysander Spooner, who stated, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Come Out of Her, My People!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"If you keep electing MASTERS, you will always be A SLAVE. Nobody 2016."

“If you keep electing MASTERS, you will always be A SLAVE. Nobody 2016.”

My Commentary: “Come out of her, my people”!

The House of Bondage has no solid foundation, and will inevitably fall!