Discussing Rampant Sex Trafficking in America

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Sex Trafficking Runs Rampant in America“…

2012-05-14 - Discussing Rampant Sex Trafficking in America

Rayn: Meanwhile, in other news, slavery is at an ALL-TIME high:

Shoutout those serfs still clinging to the flimsy claim of “progress” as justification for the world we live in, today.

Katherine C.: Didn’t finish the whole thing yet, but I must say, Some people just shouldn’t breed!

Rayn: It would do nothing to stop the abduction and sale of women into the large, highly-profitable underground, black-market of sex slavery. And, since some such women are chosen as breeding factories, forced to bear children directly into the sex slavery trade, the vicious cycle will continues, regardless of outside factors…

Katherine C.: I’m not saying it would stop it, but products of such horrible homes, such as the first story creates a “high risk victim”. All that means is that it’s easier to abduct these types since they don’t really have anyone that cares. I know people from all walks of life are exploited, but can you imagine if the majority of children abducted were children who had parents that would wreak havoc if their child went missing, versus someone who was a loner and came from a broken house.

Rayn: Of course. I didn’t think you meant that. I was just placing your sentiments in perspective of the entire picture, from my perspective. The large, underground international black-market meat-grinder of human flesh that spins on with very little notice must be exposed as a threat to ALL of humanity!

Sex Trafficking Runs Rampant in America

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2012-05-14 - Sex Trafficking Runs Rampant in America

Sex Trafficking in the U.S. Called ‘Epidemic’:

(When she first showed up at Children of the Night, a privately funded residential facility, “Jane” was angry. Arrested more than 20 times as a prostitute, she had been hardened by the street. She threw things at her counselors. Everyone was terrified by having to deal with her.

“She was just afraid. She was used to being treated so rough,” said Lois Lee, the Los Angeles group’s founder and president. “She didn’t know what to do with someone nice.”

Jane, not her real name, was just 14 when her life was taken over in Seattle by a 36-year-old man who said he loved her and promised to give her a better life. It was an easy sell: She was the product of a troubled home, where she was sexually molested by her father’s roommate. The abuse began when she was 4 years old. She also was molested at the day care center where she was taken every day.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Meanwhile, in other news, slavery is at an ALL-TIME high:

Shoutout those serfs still clinging to the flimsy claim of “progress” as justification for the world we live in, today.

Discussing Human Trafficking…

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an ex-acquaintance…

Chris C.: Anyone got 5 minutes to think about something besides your self?

Survivors of Human Trafficking:

Rayn: There’s always time to think, talk, debate, write and share about things other than the self:

Re-Abolish Slavery: Human Beings Are Not for For Sale:

Chris C.: Thank you, Rayn.

Discussing the Harrowing Truth About Modern-Day Slavery

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “RE-ABOLISH SLAVERY! Human Beings are ‘NOT FOR SALE’!“…

“Anti-Slavery: Today’s Fight for Tomorrow’s Freedom”

“Anti-Slavery: Today’s Fight for Tomorrow’s Freedom”

Rayn“Not For Sale”: Campaign to End Human Trafficking & Slavery:

And, statistics show that these victims are disproportionately women and children, who happen to be in the highest risk-group, as easy targets for the transnational human sex trafficking trade:

How pathetic! Fearing our natural reaction to their demonology, the vampires among us have only learned to hide their ways from the light of day! Is this what all of the individuals who debate with me are thinking about when they angrily speak of “progress” after I lambast these rotten-to-the core government systems we are all trapped in? I HIGHLY doubt it! Wake up, everyone! Things haven’t gotten better! The wolves have only gotten more clever!

Jonas A.: No ifs, ands or buts…let’s end slavery of all it’s forms…now!!!

Rayn: Indeed! We mustn’t allow the shadows to protect these lizards! They are COUNTING on our WILLFUL ignorance to the threat they pose! Our COMPLACENCY has ALWAYS the FIRST step towards tyranny and oppression in this age-old, ongoing battle for truth, free-will and justice!

Jonas A.: Correct!!! I was reading one story…and I had to stop mid paragraph…because I was getting pissed off at the duplicity of these animals that take advantage of the weak and defenseless…

Rayn: Exactly, Jonas! That is a NATURAL HUMAN reaction to such rotten, miserable, degrading oppression! Feel free to be frustrated, angry, sickened, or otherwise! These emotions will help move us into taking actions towards change! My disgust is what actually prompted me to share! I know that this article will create cognitive dissonance in at least a FEW MORE sleep-walkers! My hope is these people will make the right choice, and finally break away from the comfortable illusions that our system has been perpetuating before our eyes!

Jonas A.: Yeah…I know what you mean, Rayn…we live in perilous times…

Rayn: Agreed!


I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Anti-Slavery: Today’s Fight for Tomorrow’s Freedom”

“Anti-Slavery: Today’s Fight for Tomorrow’s Freedom”

“Not For Sale”: Campaign to End Human Trafficking & Slavery:

(Not For Sale) There are more than 30 million slaves in the world today. More than at the height of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Real Stories

Our hope is that this section allows you to learn from those around the world that have been in bondage and about those who are fighting modern slavery. This page is intended to provide an introduction and framework to modern-day slavery. Browse the topics below to further grasp what it is we’re joining together to fight.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: “There are more than 30 million slaves in the world today. More than at the height of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.”

And, statistics show that these victims are disproportionately women and children, who happen to be in the highest risk-group, as easy targets for the transnational human sex trafficking trade:

How pathetic! Fearing our natural reaction to their demonology, the vampires among us have only learned to hide their ways from the light of day! Is this what all of the individuals who debate with me are thinking about when they angrily speak of “progress” after I lambast these rotten-to-the core government systems we are all trapped in? I HIGHLY doubt it! Wake up, everyone! Things haven’t gotten better! The wolves have only gotten more clever!