Who Could Possible Run Your Life Better Than a Small, Elect Group of Morally-Bankrupt Plutocrats?

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, after they posted artwork being shared the page, “Libertarian Party“…


“Libertarian. The radical notion that you are not the property of anyone else, including the government.” – Tony Baize (All individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.)
(Learn more about the LP and its values of Liberty at lp.or/platform)

Rayn: What a elitist and extremist viewpoint! Do you really believe that you can run your life better than a small, elect group of morally-bankrupt plutocrats? Just who do you think you are?

The Government Can – Tim Hawkins:

Stephen K.: 90% of the US Congress are millionaires.

Rayn: It’s a little over half, actually.

More Than Half the Members of Congress Are Millionaires (Jan. 2014):

This is a small rise from the 2011 figures:

47% of Congress Members Millionaires — a Status Shared by Only 1% of Americans (Nov. 2011 article):

Stephen K.: Someone spread disinformation to me 🙁

Individual Sovereignty, for the Win!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Idle No More,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Sovereignty is a birth right & not a state-sanctioned privilege”

My Commentary: Selah! Individual sovereignty, for the win!

Your Consciousness is Your Own

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after she shared artwork from here

Jennifer H.:

“Your body is your own:
(Your health is your own)
(Your sexuality is your own)
(Your style is your own)
(Your vagina is your own)
(Your diet is your own)
(Your womb is your own)
(Your skin is your own)
(Your weight is your own)
(Your penis is your own)
(Your gender is your own)
Your body is your own.
Find anyone who tries to regulate your body highly suspect”

Rayn: Indeed! Don’t forget consciousness, too! Self-Ownership, for the win!  Find all of who try to regulate your self to be ARROGANT, and easily prove all of their arguments as ILLEGITIMATE!

Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Aboriginal and Tribal Nation News,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings: (Eagle-Love) (Bear-Courage) (Beaver-Wisdom) (Buffalo-Respect) (Sabe "Sasquatch-Honesty) (Wolf-Humility) (Turtle-Truth)"

“Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings: (Eagle-Love) (Bear-Courage) (Beaver-Wisdom) (Buffalo-Respect) (Sabe “Sasquatch-Honesty) (Wolf-Humility) (Turtle-Truth)”

My Commentary: Behold, yet another version of the Seven-Fold Spiritual Constitution of the [HE IS] that [I AM] (AKA “the Seven-Light Lamp of Self-Sovereignty”)! Hallalu Yah! The Tribe shall prevail over the Hive!

Compare the above information to the following information:

Spirit of Life

2011-04-09 - Spirit of Life (1)*Note that each pillar has four sides, or “cornerstones.”

Here are two ancient symbols for the House of Wisdom:

2011-04-09 - Spirit of Life (2) 2011-04-09 - Spirit of Life (3)

The above table helpfully illustrates the “invisible instruction” of יהוה, as contained within the symbolism of the TaNaKh and the ReNewed Covenant Scripture, including the the House of Wisdom, the Rainbow, the Ark of the Covenant, the Two Hewn Tablets, the Menorah, and the Seven-Fold Spiritual Constitution of the [HE IS] that [I AM] (AKA “the Seven-Light Lamp of Self-Sovereignty”). It also successfully deciphers one half of the core message within the Community Rule Parchment of the Ancient Essenes, located among the Dead Sea Scrolls. For more information, read my article, “Doctrine of Two Spirits.”