ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Boot-Lickers!

I originally posted the following photo I took, along with statement, onto my Facebook wall…

A t-shirt for sale at a truck stop in Port Wentworth, Georgia, which reads, “From My Cold, Dead, Hands”

Yes! 🙂 Personally, I say “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ” to each and every delusional “anti-gun” boot-licker out there!

Here’s a good joke: Ever ask a Statheist how they plan to disarm the world? Wait for it… Wait for it… GUNS!!! LOL!!!

Have a critical thought, already, cult material! Your self-deception has distorted your perception! You may choose to drop to your knees before the false deity of Government all you like, but please don’t delude yourselves with lofty ideas about being “progressive,” or even more ridiculous… “peaceful.” To discerning hearts and minds, your faith-based religion is just as dangerous and deadly as any other!

Déjà Vu!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Heartland Institute,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Listen UP TROGLODYTES!!! When your so-called 'founding fathers' gave you the 'right' to 'freely travel,' this is what they had in mind, not these DEATH MACHINES! Every year, 43,000 people DIE in the US from car accidents so YOU can keep your precious little 'inalienable rights' to drive these DEATH MACHINES!!! BAN CARS NOW!!! - Paid for by Womyn for Ominipotent Government"

“Listen UP TROGLODYTES!!! When your so-called ‘founding fathers’ gave you the ‘right’ to ‘freely travel,’ this is what they had in mind, not these DEATH MACHINES! Every year, 43,000 people DIE in the US from car accidents so YOU can keep your precious little ‘inalienable rights’ to drive these DEATH MACHINES!!! BAN CARS NOW!!! – Paid for by Womyn for Ominipotent Government”

My Commentary: Déjà vu.

Discussing the Hard Truth That Gun Control is NOT “Anti-Gun”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “News Flash: Gun Control is NOT ‘Anti-Gun’!“…

Rayn: Would you like some knee-pads to go with that dust you’re eating, boot-licker?

Keep calling yourself “anti-gun”… 🙂 I always enjoy a good laugh!

"GUN CONTROL is the worst kind of PRO-GUN"

“GUN CONTROL is the worst kind of PRO-GUN”

Jonas A.: yep! Exactly!!!

John T.: Bootlicker is funny, but it pays. Lol

News Flash: Gun Control is NOT “Anti-Gun”!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Freedom Is A State Of Mind,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"GUN CONTROL is the worst kind of PRO-GUN"

“GUN CONTROL is the worst kind of PRO-GUN”

My Commentary: Would you like some knee-pads to go with that dust you’re eating, boot-licker?

Keep calling yourself “anti-gun”… 🙂 I always enjoy a good laugh!