“Reading is My Superpower!”

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after my friend, Brooke N., shared artwork from here

Brooke N.: You said something once about reading being special for you…saw this and thought of you

“Reading Is My Superpower!”

RaynWord up! 🙂

Brooke N.: Glad you liked it.

Rayn: No doubt! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Reading the Emotions of Others Through Their Eyes

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance…

2013-10-10 - Reading the Emotions of Others Through Their Eyes

Jei M.: As I had suspected, my ability to read people’s emotions is pretty terrible – my score was 13/36.

Can You Read People’s Emotions? (Quiz)

Julia B.: 33/36 for me. Holy smokes.

Rayn: I got a score of 34/36. Interestingly enough, I’ve always struggled with eye contact.

Daniel Sv.: Rayn, can you read emotions by lips then?

Rayn: No, Daniel, but according to this quiz, I have an strong ability to “read” the emotions of others through their eyes. Personally, I’d call it more of a “feeling” than a “reading,” though.