Never Forget… Institutionalized Eugenics in America

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

"Buck v. Bell: In 1925, Virginia, like a majority of states then, enacted eugenic sterilization laws. Viriginia's law allowed state institutions to operate on individuals to prevent conception of what were believed to be 'genetically inferior' children. Charlottesville native, Carrie Buck (1906 - 1983), involuntarily committed to a state facility near Lynchburg, was chosen as the first person to be sterilized under the law. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, on 2 May 1927, affirmed the Virginia law. After Buck, mor than 8,000 other Virginians were sterlized before the most relevant parts of the act were repealed in 1974. Later evidence eventually showed that Buck and many others had no 'hereditary defects.' She is buried south of here." (Department of Historic Resources, 2002)

“Buck v. Bell: In 1925, Virginia, like a majority of states then, enacted eugenic sterilization laws. Viriginia’s law allowed state institutions to operate on individuals to prevent conception of what were believed to be ‘genetically inferior’ children. Charlottesville native, Carrie Buck (1906 – 1983), involuntarily committed to a state facility near Lynchburg, was chosen as the first person to be sterilized under the law. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, on 2 May 1927, affirmed the Virginia law. After Buck, mor than 8,000 other Virginians were sterlized before the most relevant parts of the act were repealed in 1974. Later evidence eventually showed that Buck and many others had no ‘hereditary defects.’ She is buried south of here.” (Department of Historic Resources, 2002)

Buck v. Bell:

Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), is a decision of the United States Supreme Court, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in which the Court ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, “for the protection and health of the state” did not violate the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The decision was largely seen as an endorsement of negative eugenics—the attempt to improve the human race by eliminating “defectives” from the gene pool. The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell.

(Read entire article here…)

Never forget…

The “Science” Behind Vaccinations Relies Upon Medically-Induced Human-Sacrifice of Weakest and Most Vulnerable Members of Society

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Beware of Disinformation,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of two. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000. But, here's the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield's rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So, it's not just $400 on your child's head - it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice."

“Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of two. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.
But, here’s the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So, it’s not just $400 on your child’s head – it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice.”

My Commentary: Incentivizing eugenics…

The “science” behind vaccinations relies upon the medically-induced human-sacrifice of the weakest and most vulnerable in society in order to grant “immunity” to its stronger members. It’s basically just legalized soft-EUGENICS – a pseudo-science America has such a fondness for, and pioneered, for over a century*…

Read for yourself how the MMR vaccine “works”…

While those with certain known medical issues are often directed by doctors not to take vaccinations for fear of injury, those who haven’t yet been diagnosed, due to the rarity of their illness, or a lack of adequate healthcare to have our identified, are in danger of vaccine injury or death. Plain and simple.

Statism is the ultimate cult of violence, coercion, human sacrifice and death-worship.

(* Hitler got many of his GREATEST eugenicist ideas about isolating, sterilizing and murdering “undesirables” from America!

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics:

Eugenics and the Nazis — the California Connection:

These sorts of concepts were being fine-tuned by intellectual elitist control-freaks at places like Cold Spring Harbor laboratory, then promptly instituted legally in this country for over half a century!

Dark Chapter of American History – U.S. Court Battle Over Forced Sterilization:

Eugenics Laws Restricting Immigration:

Discussing Over-Prescribing, and Non-Disclosure of Risk, Regarding Contraceptive Pill

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Contraceptive Pill as a Form of Soft-Kill Eugenics“…


Rayn: Soft-kill eugenics…

Why I Think Doctors Are Over-Prescribing the Pill:

Emily C.: Good article, Rayn. This Dr talks about the venereal disease and associated disease epidemic associated with oral contraceptive pill use. I did not see the mention anywhere that condoms can protect against these awful, debilitating, and deadly diseases.
I honestly think that oral contraceptive pills should be free, require no Dr prescription, and available easily at any convenience store or pharmacy.

Alison K.: I was always baffled by our peers who voluntarily took the pill, Drs tried putting me on it, I always declined. Now they love pushing IUDs – every damn visit. It’s actually hard to find a DR that isn’t just a shill for the pharmaceutical industry. Who in their right mind would allow a copper implant to be put in them?

The Contraceptive Pill as a Form of Soft-Kill Eugenics

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Why I Think Doctors Are Over-Prescribing the Pill:

(Dr. John Littell) It was at a medical conference in Orlando, Florida, some years back when I decided I must write a book about, and for, women who have been victimized by the health care system. As a family physician practicing for more than twenty-five years, I’ve had countless women come through my doors with a myriad of gynecologic concerns. At this particular conference, I asked the lecturer—a prominent women’s health physician—to explain why he did not mention the connection between cervical cancer and the use of oral contraceptives in his talk on cervical cancer. He replied (before three hundred other physicians), “Let’s keep that to ourselves.”

Let’s keep that to ourselves? Keep information from patients?

The status quo, it seemed, was this: Let’s keep women in the dark about the risks associated with using the Pill…

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary:  Soft-kill eugenics…

Discussing the Fact that Psychiatry is Historically-Rooted in Racism, Oppression, Pseudo-Science, and Propping Up the Power of the State

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Psychiatry is Historically-Rooted in Racism, Oppression, Pseudo-Science, and Propping Up the Power of the State“…

Rayn: Psychiatry is historically-rooted in racism, oppression, pseudo-science, and propping up the power of the State. These quacks once treated the human desire for freedom as a diagnosable disease.

Also, look up “dysaesthesia aethiopica,” then go back even further, and research Benjamin Rush, MD , the “father of American Psychiatry,” to learn about the racist disease he invented, called “negritude.” His ugly mug was featured on the official American Psychiatric Association seal for almost a century!

“Did you know? Before the Civil War, some psychiatrists diagnosed slaves with what they called drapetomania: “a mental illness in which the slave possessed an irrational desire for freedom and a tendency to try to escape.”

“Did you know? Before the Civil War, some psychiatrists diagnosed slaves with what they called drapetomania: “a mental illness in which the slave possessed an irrational desire for freedom and a tendency to try to escape.”

Stacie T.: Now they apply it to everyone and call it Oppositional Personality Disorder.

Rayn: Yup. ODD is such a joke…

Jason R.: that is why we need to change from the medical to the social model!

Jason R.: there is too much abuses that come from psychiatric medicine.

Jason R.: it is also rooted in eugenics