Begging Your Masters Will Get You Nowhere!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “An Anarchist Conversation,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I Begged"

“I Begged”

My Commentary: Good plan! *facepalm*

When “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Pro-Establishment, Their Unsubstantiated Claims Are Given Full Credence

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Wikileaks Deniers: The New Breed of Conspiracy Nut:

(Caitlin Johnstone) Flat-Earthers. Young Earth creationists. Holocaust deniers. And now, WikiLeaks deniers.

Remember when kooky conspiracy theories used to be under the sole jurisdiction of poorly-designed websites with bloodstained Illuminati symbols in the background? Now you see them being peddled on mainstream news stations, spouting convoluted, contradictory messages that go all over the map, from this delusional lunatic babbling on CNN about how reading WikiLeaks is illegal, to this pants-on-head psychotic madman from MSNBC going on a manic 37-post Twitter rant about how Trump is collaborating with the Russians to deliver doctored leaks, basing his fantastical claims on nothing but his own wild imagination. “It’s the Russians! It’s the Russians!”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: It’s the Russians! It’s the Russians! LOL! Quick! Wrap your computer in tinfoil so your information doesn’t get “hacked”! LOL!

Finally! Bipartisan Agreement! Being Extorted by Government is Undesirable!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Trump and Hillary Refuse to Explain Why They Both Share the Same Address in Delaware:

As it turns out, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump share something pertinent in common, after all — a tax haven cozily nested inside the United States.

This brick-and-mortar, nondescript two-story building in Wilmington, Delaware would be awfully crowded if its registered occupants — 285,000 companies — actually resided there. What’s come to be known as the “Delaware loophole” — the unassuming building at 1209 North Orange Street — has become, as the Guardian described, “famous for helping tens of thousands of companies avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in tax.” 

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Finally! Bipartisan agreement! Being extorted by the political parasite called government is very undesirable, and hence, should be avoided, at all costs! LOLOL!

Oh, and by the way, Killary’s actions actually speak many more volumes that Chump’s, since she absolutely knows, from the INSIDE, just how much the State represents the ultimate mismanager of stolen “funds” (aka “taxes”)!

Vote for Wars of Aggression, with Crimes Against Humanity! It’s the “Lesser of Two Evils”!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2016 Presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are both probably psychopaths, according to scientists

2016 Presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are both probably psychopaths, according to scientists

Donald Trump Has More Psychopathic Traits than Adolf Hitler, While Hillary Clinton Shows “Machiavellian Egocentricity”: Scientists Conclude BOTH Presidential Candidates May be Psychopaths – But Claim That Could be a Good Thing:

(Stacy Liberatore) The lively and sometimes entertaining Presidential race has left Americans and even the entire world questioning both candidates’ mental state.

Between Donald Trump’s unorthodox behavior and Hillary Clinton’s blatant disregard for State Department laws, experts wonder if these White House competitors exhibit similar traits of other historical leaders.

A new study into psychopathic traits reveals that Trump ranks above Adolf Hitler and below Saddam Hussein, whereas Clinton is lodged between Napoleon and Emperor Nero – but some of these traits can make them a more successful leader.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Vote for Wars of Aggression, with Crimes Against Humanity! It’s the “lesser of two evils”!

Wait… that didn’t come out right… Back to the drawing board!

(note: though I previously shared this article in August of 2016, within my post, “Scientists Conclude Both Major Presidential Candidates as Possible Psychopaths? Keep Voting, Anyway! That’ll Show ‘Em!,” I still felt compelled to offer up an alternative commentary when I saw it again)

Crimes Against Humanity for Peace, 2016!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Minds,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"When you at the voting booth this November and are trying to choose between banning Muslims or bombing them"

“When you at the voting booth this November and are trying to choose between banning Muslims or bombing them”

My Commentary: Actually, BOTH of the DemoCrackpot and RepubliConArtist presidential candidates PLAN TO MURDER innocents in your name, and BOTH WILL FORCE YOU to pay for it, too (throwing in this fact because too many seem to care more about money than innocent human lives)…

Crimes Against Humanity for Peace, 2016!

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s Pro-War, Anti-Civil Liberties Front-Runner:

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech Shows: We Have No Anti-War Candidates:

And, to preempt the rallying cry of the delusional: NO, Bernie Sanders was NOT anti-war, either…

Bernie Sanders Says He Would Use Drones to Fight Terror as President: