Joe Lozito’s Harrowing, Yet Heroic, Serial Killer Subdual Story, Exposes NYPD As Gang of Costumed Cowards

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Amazing Serial Killer Survival Story:

My Commentary: The NYPD’s “Protect & Serve” policy doesn’t exist! Watch this video to learn of Joe Lozito’s harrowing tale!

Man With Down Syndrome Murdered By Three Off-Duty Police Working Security for Movie Theater

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo here, being shared by my friend, and fellow Autistic self-advocate, Jason Ross, and originally posted it to my own wall…

ELEVEN DOLLARS On January 14, 2013, a young man with Down Syndrome went with his companion to see Zero Dark Thirty at the Regal Cinema in Frederick, MD. At the end of the movie, apparently because he wanted to see it again, he refused to get out of his seat. A Regal employee, rather than allowing him to stay and dealing with the situation later with his parents and the companion, called not one, not two, but three off duty Frederick County police officers who were working security for the theater at the time. According to published reports, when the officers/ security guards asked him to leave, he mouthed off at them and "resisted arrest". Those of you who know my son Landon can visualize what this would look like. In response, the officers wrestled him to the ground where he asphyxiated in handcuffs. The handcuffs were removed and EMS called and according to the police news release he later died at hospital. I don't know how that reconciles with the coroner's finding of asphyxiation which I thought was pretty immediate. The price of a ticket at the cinema is between $9 and $11. The additional cost to Regal of allowing him to watch the movie again was ZERO. But instead a beloved young man died on the floor of a movie theater in his neighborhood at the hands of people he was taught would protect him.

On January 14, 2013, a young man with Down Syndrome went with his companion to see Zero Dark Thirty at the Regal Cinema in Frederick, MD. At the end of the movie, apparently because he wanted to see it again, he refused to get out of his seat. A Regal employee, rather than allowing him to stay and dealing with the situation later with his parents and the companion, called not one, not two, but three off duty Frederick County police officers who were working security for the theater at the time.
According to published reports, when the officers/ security guards asked him to leave, he mouthed off at them and “resisted arrest”. Those of you who know my son Landon can visualize what this would look like. In response, the officers wrestled him to the ground where he asphyxiated in handcuffs. The handcuffs were removed and EMS called and according to the police news release he later died at hospital. I don’t know how that reconciles with the coroner’s finding of asphyxiation which I thought was pretty immediate.
The price of a ticket at the cinema is between $9 and $11. The additional cost to Regal of allowing him to watch the movie again was ZERO. But instead a beloved young man died on the floor of a movie theater in his neighborhood at the hands of people he was taught would protect him.

My Commentary: Rest in Peace, Robert Saylor. It’s a damn shame that you died so young, and so unnecessarily…

“In as much as you have done it to one of the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.” – יהושוע

What happened to Mr. Saylor is absolutely sickening to the very core, and really boils my blood! It is yet another case of American Fascism, Exposed – revealing the eager escalation to violence that is inherent to all false authority!

Critical thinking demands an answer to the following questions:

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Only the State Can Legally Immolate!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an ex-acquaintance, after he shared a photo from here

Brian J.:

"What do you mean, I can't burn heretics? What happened to freedom of religion?"

“What do you mean, I can’t burn heretics? What happened to freedom of religion?”

Rayn: The lesson is clear: Don’t incinerate others*! The police hate competition!

(*note: this is an indirect reference to the following:

‘Burn it Down’ – Dorner’s Hideout Deliberately Torched by LAPD as Dramatic Manhunt Ends:

How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive: )

The “War on Drugs” is Too Profitable for Too Many to Simply Come to an End Without a Lengthy Battle

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntaryism,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Q: Is it time to end the War on Drugs? No. (police, bigger budgets $), No. (banks, laundry $), Ditto. (drug cartels, profits $)

“Q: Is it time to end the War on Drugs? No. (police, bigger budgets $), No. (banks, laundry $), Ditto. (drug cartels, profits $)

My Commentary: The Prison-Industrial-Complex, and the American “Justice” System also say, “NO”!