The New Peace Sign!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “V is For Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The New (V) Peace Sign"

“The New (V) Peace Sign”

My Commentary: Indeed! As a matter of fact, whenever I flash the deuces, I’m actually flashing a “V” for Voluntaryism, because it’s the only true, enduring PEACE I’ve ever experienced in all of coexistence!

Stop Posting Regularly About the Oppression of Collectivism Because Someone Labels it As “Obnoxious,” or Continue to Exercise Free Speech, Regardless of How “Tasteless” it is Deemed?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Stand Up and Act to Improve!“…

Rayn: Indeed! And, every time an individual shills for centralized government, the wall of oppression rises!

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope... These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." - Robert F. Kennedy

“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope… These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F. Kennedy

Stephen K.: And those ripples often rebound as assassinations! 🙁

Adam G.: Okay, it’s kind of getting really obnoxious that you reduce all rhetoric about oppression to being about centralized government. That might be your position, but there are other viewpoints and you are totally discounting them.

Rayn: To reply to your comment, Stephen, I’ll quote Lauryn Hill: “Knowing my condition is the reason I must die!” 🙂

Adam, that sounds like a personal problem, if you ask me! I discounted nothing, and just so happen to not consent to being governed by the “representatives” of the collective! I choose to focus on and write about the oppression committed by centralized government in a great deal of my posts because it is very special interest of mine – as I continue to personally endure the tyranny of this system DAILY – so, you are incorrect in your statement that I “reduce *all* rhetoric about oppression to being about centralized government.” There are, indeed, other forms of oppression taking place in this world besides the kind I typically focus on, and yet, NOTHING I’ve written here, or even previously, discounts their existence, whatsoever! I’d love for you to prove otherwise!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Gun-Free Zones Only Enable and Embolden Mass Shooters

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jonas A…

Jonas A.: This dude does have a very good point…that’s why random shooters don’t target police stations….

Concealed Carry + Mass Shooting = More Carnage?:

Rayn:  Gun-Free Zone = Guaranteed 100% Defenseless Victims

“Gun-Free Zone Guaranteed 100% Defenseless Victims”

Brian K.: You seem to assume that guns are the only means of defense

Rielly J.: I myself am a libertarian thus I embrace the non aggression principal so it’s obvious that I support gun ownership. The thing that differentiates the non aggression principal from pacifism is that it does not preclude violence as a form of self defense or the defense of others.

Jonas A.: Very true….weapons of any kind should only be used as self defense…nothing should deviate from my libertarian principles either!

David C.: this dude knows whats up. thanks for sharing this!

Rielly J.: The non aggression principal is even incorporated in to our national seal: the eagle holds 13 arrows (the symbol of war) in one talon and an olive branch in the other and it is looking over the olive branch. We are supposed to be a nation that prefers peace but is comfortable with war (although this is not how we have been since the late 80s)

Jonas A.: You’re most welcome! And yeah, non-aggression as defined by the national seal or our constitution should not be a piece of paper, which is what current admins have been doing since Reagan…

Good Ideas Don’t Require Force!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Statism Is Slavery,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Good ideas don't require force"

“Good ideas don’t require force”

My Commentary: Apparently, the authoritarians among us will continue to arrogantly force their “great ideas” upon us, because REASON and CONSENT are not as important to them as BLIND FAITH and COMPLIANCE!

It’s time for Individuals to wake up, and reject ALL FORMS OF COERCION as illegitimate!

Is War “Inevitable” in America, or Do State Forces Conspire to Keep Peace Out of Reach?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Doublethink is Strong Among Neo-Liberals“…

Rayn: The Doublethink is strong with this one!

"Epic FAIL"

“Epic FAIL”

Katherine C.: Ok, you do realize that no matter what president we get, given the history and present state of the US and the world, and everything the US has dipped its hand into, some form of war is pretty much inevitable.

Jordan K.: Cancer pretty much inevitable too, does that mean we accept it or should we keep trying to find a cure?

Adam G.: Regardless of which party is in control, capitalism needs war and imperialism to stay alive.

Rayn: Of course, Katherine, you comment begs the question: “then, why does the Texan above have a bumper sticker containing the name ‘Obama’ with the a peace sign inside of the ‘O’?” An even better question would be, “why did Obama receive a Nobel Peace Prize, then, if he simply continued this ‘inevitable’ war you speak of?”

Either way, I reject your fallacious Appeal to probability as a cause for inaction, Katherine, and replace it with logic. Slavery is at an all-time high right now in the world. Should we apply your faulty reasoning to this issue, as well, so as to wash our hands of the matter, and do nothing about it? I mean, it’s going to happen anyway, so why bother, right? WRONG!

And, while you may claim that no matter which president gets in, there will be more war, this is actually just Circular reasoning. Since 2004, the public has consistently been presented with a False dichotomy wherein BOTH of the major party primary candidates are PRO-WAR! We have NO IDEA what would take place if this “framing” of the issues were not taking place – with the full support of the mainstream media monopoly!

When our government engages in War Crimes and Crimes against peace as a BIPARTISAN matter of policy, it is completely illegitimate, unacceptable and repugnant, deserving neither our respect, our support, nor our tax dollar funding, as Americans! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)