Timeless Tribal Wisdom

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Native American Chiefs,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"One does not sell the land people walk on." - Chief Crazy Horse, September 23, 1875

“One does not sell the land people walk on.” – Chief Crazy Horse, September 23, 1875

My Commentary: One of the hidden origins of man-made poverty…

Wounded Knee Massacre: State-Sponsored Terrorism, Made in America

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Vacate the Military,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Wounded Knee Terrorist Attack – December 29, 1890”

My Commentary: Gun control: the worst kind of pro-gun.

Revisiting America’s Final Solution to the Native American ‘Problem’

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following artwork, which I originally shared to my wall in November of 2009, in my post, “America’s Final Solution to the Native American ‘Problem’,” and decidedly re-shared it, along with a new commentary…

Final Solution:

My Original Commentary: “Tear the children from their people, then commence the massacre in its totality!”

Watching this video chokes me up. The American government truly engaged in one of the most successful acts of genocide in the history of mankind.

This video reveals the 11 steps that the US government took to destroy Indigenous culture:

1. Slash their hair
2. Strip their clothing
3. Ban their language
4. Abolish their very names
5. Regiment all movement
6. Promulgate the ideology of the whites
7. Terrorize and torture them
8. Rape them
9. Starve them
10. Work them at forced labor
11. Sicken them unto death

My New Commentary: And, make no mistake! This is still happening, even today!

Here are more recent examples of State schools continuing to actively destroy Indigenous culture:

Native American Kindergartner Sent Home on First Day to Cut Hair:

Native American Boy Pulled from Class Over Mohawk Haircut:

Discussing the State’s Commemoration of Institutionalized Genocidal Policies

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook page, upon my post, “When the State Commemorates their Genocidal Policies, Expect Fun for the Whole Family!“…

Rayn: Commemorating Government-sponsored genocide with a park full of fun camping activities.


A sign for the “Trail of Tears State Park” in Jackson, Missouri

Johnny B.: Man, Andrew Jackson was a real life super villain.

Anke M.: Pretty horrible isn’t it? Wonder what people thought and think!

When the State Commemorates their Genocidal Policies, Expect Fun for the Whole Family!

I originally posted the following photo I took, along with statement, onto my Facebook wall…

A sign for the “Trail of Tears State Park” in Jackson, Missouri

Commemorating Government-sponsored genocide with a park full of fun camping activities.
