Packaging Tyranny…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Telling the Mainstream Media It’s Full of Crap,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"How would you like this wrapped?"

“How would you like this wrapped?”

My Commentary: Packaging tyranny…

U.S. Recruited Nazis More Than [NY Times] Thought, Latest Declassified Papers Show

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Nazi officer Klaus Barbie escaped to Bolivia with the help of the American Government

Nazi officer Klaus Barbie escaped to Bolivia with the help of the American Government

U.S. Recruited Nazis More Than Thought, Latest Declassified Papers Show:

(New York Times) After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly declassified documents.

With the Soviet Union muscling in on Eastern Europe, “settling scores with Germans or German collaborators seemed less pressing; in some cases, it even appeared counterproductive,” said a government report published Friday by the National Archives.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Interestingly enough, as with the 2006 NY Times article I recently commented on, entitled, “New Details Emerge on CIA’s Use of Nazi War Criminals,” once again, there is absolutely no mention of OPERATION PAPERCLIP within! Glaringly omitting pertinent facts from public record, this is mainstream media monopoly gatekeeping and pseudo-jounalism at it’s finest, here. “A half-truth is a whole lie,” so the Yiddish proverb goes.

Apparently, the Cowards-that-Be are using their trickle down scam to ruin a lot more than just the economy!

Operation Paperclip:

Unsurprisingly, Mainstream Media Monopoly Doesn’t See Baxter Story as “Newsworthy”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Live Avian Flu Virus Found in Baxter Vaccines Sent to 18 Countries“…

Baxter International Inc. Pharmaceutical Company

Baxter International Inc. Pharmaceutical Company

Rayn: Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries:

Illinois-based pharmaceutical company, Baxter International, was caught this month attempting to distribute Influenza vaccines contaminated with deadly live Avian Flu Virus to 18 different countries around the world, putting the entire human population at risk, and almost causing a global avian flu pandemic. Upon discovering both H5N1, and the human form, H3N2, in what should have been flu vaccines, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada thwarted the efforts of Baxter International by alerting the World Health Organization, who took quick and decisive action to prevent pathological disaster.

Sara: Oh my God….this is frightening.

Rayn: Another frightening idea: hordes upon hordes of sheeple, completely unphased by lies, comfortably spoonfed their disinformation by the same biased mainstream media monopoly that sold them WMDs and the Iraq War.

Isn’t it interesting that the mainstream media didn’t see this story as “newsworthy”?