Two On-Duty Police Officers Abduct Woman from Street, Then Cuff and Sexually-Assault Her, Before Tossing Her Out of Their Moving Squad Car Onto the Road, Still Bound

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

LAPD victim, Kim Nguyen, sustained severe injuries to face and brain when she was thrown out of a moving police car after being sexually assaulted by one of her arresting officers

Girl Dumped on Street from Moving Squad Car after Cop Sexually Assaults Her: Lawsuit:

A graphic video has surfaced showing a woman lying in blood on the pavement with her skirt lifted up after she was ejected from a moving police car.

The woman reports that an officer sexually assaulted her inside of the vehicle while she was handcuffed.

It began when Kim Nguyen, 27, was out with her friends having drinks.

She says that as they were waiting for a taxi to get home, LAPD officers rolled up and began asking questions.

Shortly thereafter, they arrested Kim for being “intoxicated” — despite the fact that she was about to get into a taxi to go home.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Abducted from the sidewalk, and forced into a vehicle by a pair costumed predators, bound, sexually assaulted, then dumped onto the street from a moving patrol car while still cuffed…

Afterwards, these same two cops then attempt to cover up their crimes with lies, and even the completely uninvolved paramedics strangely manage to corroborate their story with eyewitness accounts, too boot! Yet, surveillance footage taken from an adjacent building… that doesn’t lie!

Discussing Government Harassment and Imprisonment of the Homeless

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “But, Without Government, Who Would Harass, Fine and Jail the Homeless?”…

“We’re human beings, not to be pushed around like cattle. We have a right to be stationary.” – Ann Moody

RaynHomeless Grandmother Arrested 59 Times for Sitting on Sidewalk:

Say “hello” to the city of Los Angeles’ PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE!

But, our taxes “take care” of the homeless, claims the naive, clueless, Utopian-minded Statist, without even a hint of irony…

Chioke K.: WOOW ??!!!!!!

But, Without Government, Who Would Harass, Fine and Jail the Homeless?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"We're human beings, not to be pushed around like cattle. We have a right to be stationary." - Ann Moody

“We’re human beings, not to be pushed around like cattle. We have a right to be stationary.” – Ann Moody

Homeless Grandmother Arrested 59 Times for Sitting on Sidewalk:

(Tana Ganeva, AlterNetHere’s an interesting use of public resources: as part of a decade-long effort to “clean up” Skid Row in Los Angeles (i.e. run the homeless out of the area to ease development), the city of LA has spent at least a quarter of a million dollars arresting, prosecuting and jailing just one homeless woman, 59-year-old Ann Moody, mostly for sitting on a public sidewalk.

Moody has been arrested 59 times in six years, reports the Los Angeles Times. She’s spent 15 months in jail since 2002. As the article points out, Moody has been arrested more than any other person in the entire city of Los Angeles.

The 59-year-old grandmother earned that distinction by flouting part of the municipal code that restricts sleeping, lying or sitting on a public sidewalk between 9pm and 6am, although she’s also been bagged for selling cigarettes. She explained her bad behavior to the Times: “We’re human beings, not to be pushed around like cattle,” she said. “We have a right to be stationary.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Say “hello” to the city of Los Angeles’ PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE!

But, our taxes “take care” of the homeless, claims the naive, clueless, Utopian-minded Statist, without even a hint of irony…

Only the State Can Legally Immolate!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an ex-acquaintance, after he shared a photo from here

Brian J.:

"What do you mean, I can't burn heretics? What happened to freedom of religion?"

“What do you mean, I can’t burn heretics? What happened to freedom of religion?”

Rayn: The lesson is clear: Don’t incinerate others*! The police hate competition!

(*note: this is an indirect reference to the following:

‘Burn it Down’ – Dorner’s Hideout Deliberately Torched by LAPD as Dramatic Manhunt Ends:

How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive: )

Police Represent America’s Largest Criminal Gang!

I originally shared the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall, from my page, “American Fascism, Exposed“…

California Sheriff’s Deputy Punches Special Needs Women in Face:

My Commentary: The largest criminal gang in America wears blue and carries a badge! Wake up and smell the fascism!