“Genius” Liberal Logic on Full Display…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall…

"The police are racist, violent, and corrupt... Clearly they're the only ones who should have guns"

“The police are racist, violent, and corrupt…
Clearly they’re the only ones who should have guns”

My Commentary: “Genius” liberal logic on full display…

Your Consciousness is Your Own

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after she shared artwork from here

Jennifer H.:

“Your body is your own:
(Your health is your own)
(Your sexuality is your own)
(Your style is your own)
(Your vagina is your own)
(Your diet is your own)
(Your womb is your own)
(Your skin is your own)
(Your weight is your own)
(Your penis is your own)
(Your gender is your own)
Your body is your own.
Find anyone who tries to regulate your body highly suspect”

Rayn: Indeed! Don’t forget consciousness, too! Self-Ownership, for the win!  Find all of who try to regulate your self to be ARROGANT, and easily prove all of their arguments as ILLEGITIMATE!