Our Rights as Human Beings Are Also “Indefinite Detainees” at Guantanamo Bay

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Truth Be Known“…


"Indefinite detainees at Guantanamo: Due Process, Right to a Fair & Speedy Trial, American Rights & Liberties, U.S. Image"

“Indefinite detainees at Guantanamo: Due Process, Right to a Fair & Speedy Trial, American Rights & Liberties, U.S. Image”

Allison H.: Sad, but true…

Rayn: “In as much as you have done it to one of the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.” Most don’t understand the true gravity of these words.

Government Continues to Use “War on Drugs” as Pretext for Tyrannical Police State

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

2011-05-22 - Government Continues to Use 'War on Drugs' as Pretext for Tyrannical Police State

Sara: There goes a little more of our civil liberties being stripped away.

Cops Can Kick Your Door Down If They Smell Weed, Supreme Court Rules:

Andre S.: Weed?? ShEE-IT? If them numb-nut, cowboy’s smell, fried chicken coming from the corner of my house? Lol We guilty.

RaynAmerica’s Failed “War on Drugs” and CIA Drug Running Make Business Boom for the Prison Industrial Complex: