The Left and Right Wing of the America War-Hawk

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Native American Chiefs,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

“What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”

My Commentary: War-hawk: a bird of prey.

“There’s the right-wing. There’s the left-wing. And then, there’s knowing.”

Exercising “Freedom of Association” in Response to Calls For Murder and Nazi Tactics

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Doublethinking About Tyranny“…

Rayn: Doublethinking about tyranny…
The irony of hypocrisy continues…

"I love how progs are always like 'I fucking hate these right-wing Nazis! I wish the government would just round them all up and kill them!'"

“I love how progs are always like ‘I fucking hate these right-wing Nazis! I wish the government would just round them all up and kill them!'”

Genaire: Check this out, Anke.

Anke M.: Cannot happen, but with so many nuts coming out if the woodwork…yeah, let’s level the playing field.

Genaire: Then you’re as bad as the nuts you’re advocating to be murdered.


Greg C.: Hehe, “round em up”…sounds like a plan. Use a big pink bus.

Rayn: Many murder-minded extremists think that their actions “level the playing field,” Anke.

Rayn: I’m under no obligation to allow anyone to promote murder of innocents and Nazi tactics on my Facebook profile. Exercise such “freedom of speech” on my wall, and I will respond by decidedly exercising my “freedom of association.” Goodbye.