Manipulative Mainstream Media Monopoly Continues to Falsely Portray Anarchism as Form of Criminality

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by anarchist, Adam Kokesh, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Real anarchists don’t wave flags and don’t wear uniforms” (

My CommentaryLegitimate Anarchists Adhere to a Peaceful, Principled, Anti-Political Philosophy of Freedom!

And, we absolutely do not initiate violence upon others, nor destroy property that isn’t ours!

If these sorts of COERCIVE activities are taking place against persons or their property, by definition, anarchy is not occurring!

anarchy: (n): without a ruler
(From Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler’)

The words you’re looking for to describe these sociopathic behaviors are “criminality” and “rulership.”

The only reason to toss the word “anarchy” into the mix is out of ignorance, or to discredit and smear LEGITIMATE anarchists, who adhere to a peaceful, principled, anti-political philosophy of freedom!

Legitimate Anarchists Adhere to a Peaceful, Principled, Anti-Political Philosophy of Freedom!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Anarchista Musings,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The media's depiction of anarchists Actual anarchists"

“The media’s depiction of an anarchist
Actual anarchists”

My Commentary: Nice try, criminal scum, operating with the support of the mainstream media monopoly! While you’re busy co-opting and misappropriating the word, “anarchy,” and falsely defining it to mean “chaos,” I’ll provide some helpful tips to help my Statist friends sort things out:

Without CONSENT, anarchy is NOT taking place!
If COERCION is taking place, it is not anarchy!

Here’s the original definition of “anarchy,” including etymology. All efforts to change this simple, concise explanation can be summed up as a fear-monger-motivated hijacking of the word!

anarchy: (n): without a ruler
(From Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler’)

There is almost no other word in the English language that so easily defines this concept, with a history stretching back for almost half a millennium! The word Voluntaryism is a much more recent attempt (being only about a century old) to reinvent the stolen word, with the implied understanding that “anarchy” is purposefully being robbed of its meaning.

As you can see, what is taking place in the top picture below can already be defined in so many ways – from “chaos,” to “lawlessness,” to “vandalism,” to “criminality”… the list goes on. The only reason to toss the word “anarchy” into the mix is out of ignorance, or to discredit and smear LEGITIMATE anarchists, who adhere to a peaceful, principled, anti-political philosophy of freedom!

Dishonorable Judge Belvin Perry’s Tyrannical Crusade Against FACT!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Mark Schmidter Receives 145 Days In Jail For Freedom Of Speech Due To Judge Belvin Perry:

My Commentary: Self-important scumbag judge, Belvin Perry, attempts to prevent potential jurors from understanding the concept of jury nullification through the issuance of two administrative orders against it, then imprisoning an individual for the “crime” of handing out pamphlets about the subject outside of “his” Florida courthouse… What a disgusting, miserable excuse for a human being! Why should his sickening f*ck-face see the light of day, while the victim of his pathetic, fallacious, arbitrary “order” rots in a prison cell for almost half a year? Let us all work to expose this TYRANNICAL LIZARD, and shame him back underneath the rock he crawled out from!

Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

The following proclamation was inspired by my debate, “Discussing Egypt’s Revolution“…

2011-02-02 - Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

Screw America’s diluted, detached definition of FREEDOM, and to the garbage pile with our failed DEMOCRACY! These IDEAS are MEANINGLESS without TRUTH and JUSTICE – the FIRST & LAST of the SEVEN PILLARS of the HOUSE OF WISDOM*! They are the ONLY REAL CORNERSTONES of a FREE society, and the ONLY REAL PROTECTION against the HOUSE OF BONDAGE! Without them, FREEDOM is lawlessness & DEMOCRACY is mob-ruled oppression!

*Spirit of Life