Discussing Freedom Fighter, Russell Means, AKA “Works for the People”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Remembering Freedom Fighter, Russell Means, AKA ‘Works for the People’“…

Russell Means and actor, Marlon Brando, on the Today Show

Russell Means and actor, Marlon Brando, on the Today Show

Rayn: ❤

Remembering Russell Means in Pictures: Warrior for the People:

Rebekah P.: NaturalBorn #PeacefulWarrior

Tammy S.: I remember him very well. I remember when he died a few years ago. It was sad for me. It reminded me of my grandmother (your great-grandmother [in-law]). She was a big fan of his. I think she met him one time. I was kinda young. Hard to remember all the stories.

Remembering Freedom Fighter, Russell Means, AKA “Works for the People”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Russell Means and actor, Marlon Brando, on the Today Show

Russell Means and actor, Marlon Brando, on the Today Show

Remembering Russell Means in Pictures: Warrior for the People:

He became a prominent member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) after joining the organization in 1968, and helped organize notable events that attracted national and international media coverage.

Means was active in international issues of indigenous peoples, including working with groups in Central and South America, and with the United Nations for recognition of their rights. He was active in politics at his native Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and at the state and national level.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: ❤

Decolonize America!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a captioned photo being shared by the page, “Aboriginal and Tribal Nation News“…


Late Russell Means to be Honored on 40th Anniversary of Wounded Knee Occupation Read Story – Watch Photos – Video Here ===> http://bit.ly/Late-Russell-Means-to-be-Honored-on-40th-Anniversary-of-Wounded-Knee-Occupation

Steven C.: Was there a movie made about that

Rayn: Are you referring to Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (film)?

Steven C.: I don’t know if thats the one. There was a documentary right But was their a movie like with actors portraying the real people

Rayn: I’m pretty sure that you’re referring to Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (film) – an awesome movie! 🙂

Welcome to the Reservation, America!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Russell Means: Welcome to the Reservation, America:

Welcome  to the Reservation:

(Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet.com) The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: Here is WISDOM! Let those who have EARS HEAR!