Jury Nullification WORKS!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-11-23 - Jury Nullification WORKS!

Colorado Juries Keep Letting People Go for Driving on Weed, Prosecutors and Cops are Furious:

Citizens of Colorado are increasingly employing the use of jury nullification to keep innocents people out of cages – and it’s driving prosecutors CRAZY.

Adams County, CO — Colorado prosecutors are getting frustrated at jurors for daring to exercise rationality instead of blindly following the will of the State. A growing number of juries are acquitting people of driving under the influence of cannabis, even when tests show they are over the state’s legal blood-THC limit.

Since the recreational use of cannabis became legal, Colorado authorities are scrambling to apply rules and regulations to this new reality. They have established a 5 ng/ml blood-THC limit for operation of a motor vehicle, which seems to be arbitrary as there is no preponderance of data to support a specific number.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Don’t let ’em fool ya!” Jury Nullification works! No Victim, No Crime! 🙂

Dishonorable Judge Belvin Perry’s Tyrannical Crusade Against FACT!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Mark Schmidter Receives 145 Days In Jail For Freedom Of Speech Due To Judge Belvin Perry:

My Commentary: Self-important scumbag judge, Belvin Perry, attempts to prevent potential jurors from understanding the concept of jury nullification through the issuance of two administrative orders against it, then imprisoning an individual for the “crime” of handing out pamphlets about the subject outside of “his” Florida courthouse… What a disgusting, miserable excuse for a human being! Why should his sickening f*ck-face see the light of day, while the victim of his pathetic, fallacious, arbitrary “order” rots in a prison cell for almost half a year? Let us all work to expose this TYRANNICAL LIZARD, and shame him back underneath the rock he crawled out from!