Christopher Columbus’ Genocide & Enslavement of the Peaceful Arawak Indigenous Tribe of the Bahamas

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Wanted: Christopher Columbus - Perpetrator of Indigenous Genocide, Rape, Torture, Racism, Theft, and Instigation of the Big Lie (Artwork originally located here, where it was posted by the Facebook page, "Fuck Columbus Day")

Wanted: Christopher Columbus – Perpetrator of Indigenous Genocide, Rape, Torture, Racism, Theft, and Instigation of the Big Lie
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Fuck Columbus Day“)

Columbus And Genocide:

From Columbus’ Diary:

“When your Highnesses so command, [the Arawak Natives] could all be carried off to Castile or be held captive in the island itself, because with 50 men they could all be subjugated and compelled to do anything one wishes.”


“As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts.”

(Read entire article here…)

Read more excerpts from Columbus’ diary, here:

My Commentary: COLUMBUS DAY is a CELEBRATION of THEFT, OCCUPATION, IMPERIALISM, SLAVERY and GENOCIDE… so, of course, it makes sense that it was declared a national holiday in America!

Netanyahu’s Manipulative Interpretation of Oslo Accords Made a Mockery of Them

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto the Facebook wall of family…

Israeli PM Netanyahu: I “Stopped” Oslo Peace Process:

 LEAKED VIDEO: Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, Admits He Deceived US to Destroy Oslo Accord:

Here is a transcript of two portions of conversation in the leaked video, above:

Netanyahu: “…The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror, and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne. The price is not too heavy to be borne, now. A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority. To bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing…”

Woman: “Wait a moment, but then the world will say, ‘how come you’re conquering again?’ “

Netanyahu: “The world won’t say a thing. The world will say we’re defending.”

Woman: “Aren’t you afraid of the world, [Netanyahu]?”

Netanyahu: “Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.”

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Under Obama, America’s Military Empire Continues to Expand

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His ‘Promises’ As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…

American Imperialism

American Imperialism

Obama is not trying to end the wars in the Middle-East – as in, stop them – he’s trying to win the wars in the Middle-East – as in, conclude them (hence, “ENDING” the wars). There is a huge difference! Obama has been engaging in political double-speak all along, and the public has been “had.” Please read my previous article, “Barack Obama – America’s FALSE Peace Candidate!” for proof!

The Current War Against Afghanistan

By sending more troops to Afghanistan, Obama is, by definition, CONTINUING and ESCALATING that particular war!

As I illustrated in my previous article, “Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan“, our government has absolutely redefined Afghanistan’s existence and future through chronic meddling! And, as I also pointed out, they have also militarily, politically and culturally tampered with Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan, too! America, like an eagle, is operating from a “bird’s eye view,” on top of the world!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Discussing My Artwork, “Spreading Democracy…”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my artwork, “Spreading Democracy…“…

Rayn: Created in December of 2008 using Photoshop.

“I’m doing my part to help spread democracy! Are YOU?” (by Rayn)

“I’m doing my part to help spread democracy! Are YOU?”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Sara: America: Helping spread democracy one explosion at a time! Great work here!

Rayn: Thanx! Democracy at Gunpoint! The American Way!

Discussing My Artwork, “Imperialism: The American Way Since 1776!”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my artwork, “Imperialism: The American Way Since 1776!“…

Rayn: Created in December of 2008 using Photoshop.

2009-11-17 - Discussing My Artwork, 'Imperialism - The American Way Since 1776!'

“Imperialism: the American Way Since 1776”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Sara: LOL Doesn’t it just make you so proud!? Good work!

Rayn: Thanx! America’s imperialistic adventures should make Mother England proud! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!