Never Forget… Institutionalized Eugenics in America

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

"Buck v. Bell: In 1925, Virginia, like a majority of states then, enacted eugenic sterilization laws. Viriginia's law allowed state institutions to operate on individuals to prevent conception of what were believed to be 'genetically inferior' children. Charlottesville native, Carrie Buck (1906 - 1983), involuntarily committed to a state facility near Lynchburg, was chosen as the first person to be sterilized under the law. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, on 2 May 1927, affirmed the Virginia law. After Buck, mor than 8,000 other Virginians were sterlized before the most relevant parts of the act were repealed in 1974. Later evidence eventually showed that Buck and many others had no 'hereditary defects.' She is buried south of here." (Department of Historic Resources, 2002)

“Buck v. Bell: In 1925, Virginia, like a majority of states then, enacted eugenic sterilization laws. Viriginia’s law allowed state institutions to operate on individuals to prevent conception of what were believed to be ‘genetically inferior’ children. Charlottesville native, Carrie Buck (1906 – 1983), involuntarily committed to a state facility near Lynchburg, was chosen as the first person to be sterilized under the law. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, on 2 May 1927, affirmed the Virginia law. After Buck, mor than 8,000 other Virginians were sterlized before the most relevant parts of the act were repealed in 1974. Later evidence eventually showed that Buck and many others had no ‘hereditary defects.’ She is buried south of here.” (Department of Historic Resources, 2002)

Buck v. Bell:

Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), is a decision of the United States Supreme Court, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in which the Court ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, “for the protection and health of the state” did not violate the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The decision was largely seen as an endorsement of negative eugenics—the attempt to improve the human race by eliminating “defectives” from the gene pool. The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell.

(Read entire article here…)

Never forget…

Is it “Naive” to Expect Equality and the Preservation of All Natural Rights in America?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “There is only ONE RACE of Homo Sapiens: THE HUMAN RACE!“…

A Beautiful Two-Toned Married Couple

A Beautiful Two-Toned Married Couple

Rayn: 46 Percent of Mississippi Republicans Want Interracial Marriage Banned:

There is only ONE RACE of Homo Sapiens: THE HUMAN RACE! ! Who else is sick to death of this pathologically pathetic, pseudo-scientific “race” nonsense? Why is this JUNK SCIENCE STILL being shoved down our collective throats? And, without so much as a peep from the public, or the media, too? Talk about SUSPECT! As Individuals, it’s time for us to start UNLEARNING LIES, and EMBRACING TRUTH!  The idea behind “race” is, by far, one of the most “racist” things you could honestly imagine, invented by pure white supremacists! I wish we could all understand just how tied into eugenics the concept of “race” is, so that we can collectively expose and discard this despicable word and concept! It has everything to do with the promotion of “racial hygiene,” and NOTHING to do with REALITY!!!! I can’t remain silent as those  around me continue to spew their babblings, based upon controller-manufactured concepts of death! I am literally COMPELLED to RESIST the MIND-POISON!

Rayn: It’s time for Americans to start UNLEARNING LIES, and EMBRACING TRUTH!

Katherine C.: It’s Mississippi…what do you expect??

Jordan K.: When you google mississippi one of the things that comes up is they’re trying to ban fat people from eating in public.

Stacie T.: If the mind is open, it accepts all knowledge. If it is closed, knowledge knocks elsewhere and another lonely ignoramous joins the heard of mindless sheep.

Rayn: I really don’t care which State of the Union we’re talking about, Katherine. I ALWAYS expect equality and the preservation of all natural rights in America, regardless of the will of the oppressors!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

There is only ONE RACE of Homo Sapiens: THE HUMAN RACE!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

A Beautiful Two-Toned Married Couple

A Beautiful Two-Toned Married Couple

46 Percent of Mississippi Republicans Want Interracial Marriage Banned:

(Lauren A new poll gauging Mississippi Republicans’ preferences going into the 2012 election ended up revealing something more startling: 46 percent of GOP voters in the state think interracial marriage should be illegal. Results were announced Thursday by Public Policy Polling, a polling firm based in North Carolina. The company asked 400 Republican primary voters about their preferences for candidates for state and national offices, as well as their views on interracial marriage.

(Read entire artice here…)

My Commentary: There is only ONE RACE of Homo Sapiens: THE HUMAN RACE! ! Who else is sick to death of this pathologically pathetic, pseudo-scientific “race” nonsense? Why is this JUNK SCIENCE STILL being shoved down our collective throats? And, without so much as a peep from the public, or the media, too? Talk about SUSPECT! As Individuals, it’s time for us to start UNLEARNING LIES, and EMBRACING TRUTH!  The idea behind “race” is, by far, one of the most “racist” things you could honestly imagine, invented by pure white supremacists! I wish we could all understand just how tied into eugenics the concept of “race” is, so that we can collectively expose and discard this despicable word and concept! It has everything to do with the promotion of “racial hygiene,” and NOTHING to do with REALITY!!!! I can’t remain silent as those  around me continue to spew their babblings, based upon controller-manufactured concepts of death! I am literally COMPELLED to RESIST the MIND-POISON!