Vast Majority of Population Really Are Sheeple!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Sheeple, in their natural habitat

Sheeple, in their natural habitat

Study Proves 95% of People Really Are Sheeple:

(NaturalNews) Scientists at the University of Leeds have conducted research that proves the tendency many have to act like sheep, unwittingly following crowd as if they didn’t possess a reasoning mind. While this tendency may have its uses in some situations, such as planning pedestrian flow in busy areas, it doesn’t inspire a ton of hope for humankind.

The study showed that it takes a minority of just five percent to influence a crowd’s direction – and that the other 95 percent follow without even realizing what is going on.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Wow! The numbers in this study are VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL to my own calculations! Frightening!

Discussing Individual Unification

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Taking a Stand, as an Individual, Against Collectivism“…

Rayn: Thank the Father for Free-Will!

“United I Stand, By Myself, Against Collectivism.”

“United I Stand, By Myself, Against Collectivism.”

Katherine C.: So your one self, is united…? Sorry, every now and then I get a dumb blond attack.

Rayn: Indeed, UNITED! In Body and Spirit! And, In Heart and Mind! All within the Seven-Fold Spiritual Constitution of the I AM THAT I AM! Selah! Individual Sovereignty for the WIN! 🙂

Taking a Stand, as an Individual, Against Collectivism

I originally posted this artwork here, onto the Facebook page, “Liberty Stickers,” then shared it to my own wall, along with commentary

"United I Stand, By Myself, Against Collectivism."

“United I Stand, By Myself, Against Collectivism.”

My Commentary: Thank the Father for Free-Will!