State-Enforced Unemployment and State-Sponsored Extortion

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Tennessee Has Fined Residents Nearly $100,000, Just For Braiding Hair:

(Nick Sibilla) Ever since she was a little girl, Fatou Diouf has been braiding hair. And for almost two decades, Fatou has turned that tradition into a vocation by working professionally as a licensed natural hair stylist in Tennessee.

“I never did any other job but hair braiding my whole life,” she said. “I cannot recall a time when I did not know how.”

But in recent years, Tennessee has forced Fatou to pay a staggering $16,000 in fines, simply because she employed workers who did not have a government license to braid hair.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The State-enforced unemployment, followed up by State-sponsored extortion.