The Irrational Fanaticism Behind Gun Control on Full Display as Armed Florida Officer Failed to Engage School Shooter

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County

As Gunman Rampaged Through Florida School, Armed Deputy ‘Never Went In’:


(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: This one’s for the “only the police and military should have guns” cultists, who proselytize for all personal self-defense to be stripped away from innocent and peaceful individuals, by force (of course), and outsourced to agents of the State, also by force (of course) – and take this position with virtually no regard for the quality of service being provided, as would be expected in the case of irrational fanaticism.

Helpful Breakdown of Serf-Speak

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Pholosopher,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“A handy guide to gun grabber lingo:
High powered = I have zero knowledge of ballistics.
Assault weapon = I repeat what I hea on the news.
Military style = I have zero knowledge of firearm history.
Full auto = I couldnt tell the difference between a single-shot rifle and a machine gun.
Semi auto = The thing to ban next.
High capacity = I have no clue what a standard magazine even looks like.
Clip = Magazine.
Magazine = Clip.
Common sense = agree with me or I’ll start screaming.
Gun safety legislation = Legislation to take guns from innocent people.
Only one purpose = I have no idea what guns are used for outside movies.
Why does anyone need = I am actually a communist who doesn’t believe in property rights.
Well regulated militia = I have never read the Supreme Court cases of Heller and McDonald.
Mental illness = Anyone who doesn’t think EXACTLY like me.
Universal background checks = Government deciding who gets a gun (and it’s not you).
Dead children = A guilt weapon I ignore when the government murders children.
You couldn’t take on the Federal Government = You should just roll over and get raped.
Compromise = The slow, total and unconditional surrendering of your rights.” – The Pholosopher

My Commentary: Helpful breakdown of serf-speak.

Guns Are for the Elect, and Their Mercenaries!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Heartland Institute,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Rep. Rangel: Law abiding citizens just shouldn’t have to carry guns.
Reporter: But, you’re protected by guns all over the place here at the Capitol.
Rep. Rangel: Well, that’s a little different. I think we deserve… I think we need to be protected down here.”
– Rep. Charlie Rangel (D), New York City
(If this isn’t hypocrisy at the highest level, I don’t know what is.)

My Commentary: Silly peasants. Guns are for the elect, and their mercenaries!

(note: though I previously shared a slightly different version of this artwork in June of 2017, within my post, “To the State, No Lives Matter…,” I still felt compelled to offer up an alternative commentary when I saw it again, due to the recent anti-gun push triggered by the latest school shooting, here in the States)

Debating the AR-15

The following debate originally took place on the Facebook wall of family…

Zayvier B.: This isn’t meant to spark any sort of mass argument, but only to expand a field of view. You cannot deny the use of the AR-15 as the primary weapon of more than half of our nation’s mass showings. With that being said, I want someone to tell me a use that only can come from an AR-15 that would demand it be kept in the homes of citizenry, and is a use ONLY the AR can fulfill

RaynReturning fire at one of these mass shooters you mention? As you said yourself, “[y]ou cannot deny the use of an AR-15 as the primary weapon in more than half of” these types of attacks.

Zayvier B.: Wrong, an AR isn’t the sole item that could be used to deter or defeat a shooter.

Rayn: I said “returning fire,” not “deter,” nor “defeat,” and I meant it in the most literal sense, imaginable…

Zayvier B.: I understand that, but my point was to state what makes the AR something so important and gives it a quality only it has. Any firearm could be used to return fire at any kind of assailant

RaynThen, my question is this: as an innocent human being (also, never charged with domestic violence, nor any felony) that would be engaging in peaceful activity (meaning that there is no actual victim) if I seek to obtain the firearm of my choice, what gives anyone else, but me, jurisdiction over my actions? Why am I to be restricted, so as not to have the exact weapon to defend myself that the criminal easily has at his disposal? Truly, “what makes the AR something so important” that I can’t use one to defend against one?

Timeless Colonial Wisdom…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Statist Zombies,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Good news! The government said if we just give them our guns, they’ll keep us safe.”

My Commentary: We’re saved!