Muh Borders Keep All Muh Freedom Inside!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Ryan Van Bipper: So many people are leaving NC for other states, fleeing from danger. I wonder what would happen if, when they got to the border, they were imprisoned or had their kids taken away. Just for safe keeping. I bet there are some bad people mixed in with the good. Maybe we should stop letting these people into neighboring states until we can vet them better. If the government decided to close state borders, do you think the people of NC would be good citizens and obey the law if it meant they and their loved ones would die? Would they break the law and sneak into Virginia? Would that make the illegal human beings? IDK, sometimes I just talk crazy. LOL.”

My Commentary: But, Muh Borders keep all Muh Freedom inside!