Are You a Human BEING, Animated by Love, or a Human Battery, Animating a Dead Body of Lies & Tradition?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “We Are Change,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The human Heart is now documented as the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. Important, because we've always been taught that the brain is where all of the action is. While the brain does have an electrical & a magnetic field, they are both relatively weak compared to the Heart. The Heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically & up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. Important, because the physical world - as we know it - is made of those 2 fields: electrical & magnetic fields of Energy. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field or the electrical field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body and this world. The human Heart is designed to do BOTH." ~David Math, TruSparta.

“The human Heart is now documented as the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. Important, because we’ve always been taught that the brain is where all of the action is. While the brain does have an electrical & a magnetic field, they are both relatively weak compared to the Heart. The Heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically & up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. Important, because the physical world – as we know it – is made of those 2 fields: electrical & magnetic fields of Energy. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field or the electrical field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body and this world. The human Heart is designed to do BOTH.” ~David Math, TruSparta.

My Commentary: As the Cowards-that-be convince us that this whole entire Universe, with all of it’s signs, wonders, laws and order, is just “chance” (a Canaanite deity called “G-d” by the ancient Babylonians & still called by the SAME name and character to this day), they continue their “great work” of harnessing our collective energy for their own intoxication! The question is: are you a Human BEING, animated by Love of Life, or Human BATTERY, animating a DEAD BODY OF EMPTY LIES and STALE TRADITION?

יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord”

I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook page, “יהוה“…

2011-04-08 - יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord” (1)or
2011-04-08 - יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord” (2)


Shemot [Names] (“Exodus”) 3:13-15:  And Mosheh said unto Alahym, Behold, when I come unto the children of Yahsharal, and shall say unto them, The Alahym of your fathers has sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His Name? What shall I say unto them? (14) And Alahym said unto Mosheh, “אהיה אשר אהיה [I AM THAT I AM]:” and He Said, “Thus shall you say unto the children of Yahsharal אהיה [I AM] Has Sent me unto you.” (15) And Alahym said moreover unto Mosheh, “Thus shall you say unto the children of Yahsharal, יהוה [HE IS], Aluah of your fathers, the Aluah of ‘Abraham , the Aluah of Yahsaac, and the Aluah of Yahcob, Has Sent me unto you: this is My Name Forever, and this is My Memorial unto all generations.”

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