The American Economy is Completely Rigged, With the Federal Reserve at the Root of the Problem

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Proof It Is Rigged: “Fed Moved 93% Of Entire Stock Market Since 2008”:

(Mac SlavoFact: The Federal Reserve has screwed over the country.

Monetary policy has been the single most important factor in the economy for some time.

A new analysis from economist Brian Barnier shows that while future GDP, household debt from credit cards and tech accounted for past bubbles in American history, the bubble that has risen since Obama became president is due to one – and only one – factor: the Federal Reserve.

And the private banking cartel – which masquerades as a public government institution – has become plenty controversial for its ties to elite hidden agendas and its debasement of the economy.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: System isn’t broken. It’$ fixed…

Discussing the Moment When America “Jumped the Shark”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared a Twitter screenshot, located here, and tagged me in his post…

Matthew A.: So let’s nominate the moment when America jumped the shark.
(tagged) Bobby B., Jason L., Bobby B., Jason L., Starr O., Eric R., Angel S., Amanda R., Lauren P., Nickie A., Violet E., Teague W., Alexander C., Jesse G., Genaire, Rayn, Danilo C., Andy C., Mike D., Drew L., Evan I., Andrew E., Anne F., Casey H., LaPointe, John S., Lisa R., Mike A., Nathan S., Geoffrey P., J.P.M., Matthew S., Cynthia S., Don T., Robert W., Jacob Y., & Anthony Z.

"Jake Flores @feraljokes 'I'm starting to think that this is the last season of America and the writers are just going nuts.' 2/13/16, 3:11 PM"

“Jake Flores, @feraljokes
‘I’m starting to think that this is the last season of America and the writers are just going nuts.’ 2/13/16, 3:11 PM”

Jason L.: I’d say ratification of the Constitution, but that’s just me.

Matthew A.: KA-BOOM!

Nickie A.: Give that man a trophy!

Rayn: Indeed, Jason! Since 2003, I always say: “Ever since the institution of the Constitution, revolution’s been the only solution to fight the mind-pollution.”

Matthew A.: Rayn, LOL! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Prophetic Picture Exposes Federal Reserve Banking Octopus

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Coming Money Trust: The Octopus - 'Aldrich Plan' "

“Coming Money Trust: The Octopus – ‘Aldrich Plan’ “

My Commentary: Published in 1912, one year before the creation of the Federal Reserve. Talk about prophetic! Note the label “Private Syndicate” upon the Central Banking Octopus, who’s far-reaching tentacles are greedily wrapped around core government and economic structures, while it funnels money directly into Wall Street.

For First Time Ever, Federal Reserve Permits Chinese Bank to Take Over American Bank

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

ICBC Given Permission to Take Over US Subsidiary of Bank of East Asia

ICBC Given Permission to Take Over US Subsidiary of Bank of East Asia

ICBC Gets Approval to Take Over US Bank:

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has been given the nod to take over a US bank, the first such US approval for a Chinese firm.

The US Federal Reserve approved state-owned ICBC’s plans to acquire the US subsidiary of Bank of East Asia.

This comes just days after high-level economic talks between the US and China in Beijing.

The Fed also gave permission to two other Chinese banks to increase their presence in the US.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: And, it begins…